Steelbooks, anyone else collecting them?

14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Until the next format appears and they're obsolete anyway. Did that with VHS and DVD and have no desire to waste money on landfill like that again :)
DVD’s are still perfectly watchable and anything beyond 4K blue rays is going to be well into diminishing returns.

It’s definitely a case of horses for courses some choose to spend money every month to own nothing others choose to spend money to own something neither is wrong just different. I think if I cancelled Spotify and just spent the same money on CD’s I’d quickly reach a point where I no longer needed to spend money more than 4 or 5 times a year I still have all my CD’s and enjoy playing them.
20 Dec 2004
DVD’s are still perfectly watchable and anything beyond 4K blue rays is going to be well into diminishing returns.

It’s definitely a case of horses for courses some choose to spend money every month to own nothing others choose to spend money to own something neither is wrong just different. I think if I cancelled Spotify and just spent the same money on CD’s I’d quickly reach a point where I no longer needed to spend money more than 4 or 5 times a year I still have all my CD’s and enjoy playing them.
I still have and listen to every vinyl and CD I've ever purchased, there are literally hundreds of VHS and DVDs I got rid of for virtually nothing.

Tbh I spent so little time in front of a TV, the chances of me watching a film more than once are close to zero so purchasing is a waste of money. If there's a film I really want to watch I'll usually rent it digitally for a fiver, and that's it. I don't subscribe to streaming services, not in summer at least. I'll usually subscribe for a month or two in winter and watch anything I want to watch when there aren't better things to be doing outside!
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