Steelcase Please V2 vs Noblechairs Hero vs ...

29 May 2020
Hi all,

I know this has probably been done to death - but I need a new chair (working at home has really hammered this home to me over the last couple of months!). I was looking at the Noblechairs Hero - but also the Steelcase Please V2 secondhand. I'm 6ft and 75kg (11 1/2 st) and a little worried the Hero might be a bit big. Was also considering the Epic as it looks a bit smaller.

I've seen the steelcase please v2 refurbished for c£200 (without headrest) - which seems like a reasonable deal. Any other options I should be looking at? How does the Steelcase Please v2 match up to the noblechairs Hero or Epic?


From that I can see, they are both great chairs. However there has been a lot more positive reviews on noblechairs here due to Overclockers UK selling them and probably being one of the best gaming chairs on the market. Gaming chairs in general have a bad name due to other brands offering something cheap, non-ergonomic etc etc. However noblechairs has turned this around and offer a durable, professional, ergonomic and decent chair. Overclockers UK also offer a 30 day comfort guarantee, so if you were not happy with noblechairs you can return it for a refund. :)


Any thoughts on the Epic vs the Hero?


I offered to do a review and comparison, but yeah I guess they weren't that keen make of that what you will.

I couple of points I think the Noblechairs will have to concede on:
- Steelcase parts can be ordered separately through dealers and 2nd hand market if something breaks
- The Please seat cushion has a forward back adjustment which besides the ergonomics is very useful for sim pedals or a joystick
- Lumbar support on the Please is about as good as it gets, Steelcase own the patent so you won't see it on other chairs
- seat and back cushions on the Please are fabric and detachable so they can if needed be re-flocked and reupholstered as and when they get worn or if damaged where as PU leather is notorious for not aging well past its warranty period.
- The Please has a contemporary design to it meaning its looks will age well and will not look out of place in a variety of rooms and settings. If say your partner is not into gaming then its a safer option.

downsides are really I can only think of one in that the Please is an operator chair so its designed for practical use not luxurious comfort.

The real leather Hero I think is a good option but its not cheap, honestly I personally would not spend a lot on a PU leather chair I don't think they age well. People have reported quality issues with the Noblechairs they seem quite expensive for what they offer but if the support is there and they fix peoples issues thats a good thing too.

Thanks for the detailed points! I think I'm leaning towards the Please - if nothing else because 2nd hand its a bit cheaper than either of the noble chairs.
Out of those two I would be buying the Steelcase Please v2. It gets excellent reviews and doesnt have the stigma of a gaming chair.

Having said that, my 14 year old son would love a gaming chair.


My 10 year old is the same (as is the little kid inside my head) - but I think practicality will win out in the end :)
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