Toy time
woohoo, been playing with the blowtorch today, managed to knock up my first heat exchanger
(and i'd like to go on record and say that salt is an absolute ##### to rinse out!)
The oil coil, fuel flows from the tank to the filter & pump, through the coil, which is wrapped around this ...
the 15mm stubs are the feed for the coolant system, just needs fitting in between the waterpump and interior heater matrix. I used 22mm tube for the body, to carry plenty of water (water = heat) The other 8mm tube running the length of the heater is to heat the return fuel line (the fuel pump always pushes more fuel than you need), so you can heat the fuel that is sat in the tank.
It's not pretty, but it leak tested ok, need to clean it up tomorrow, then pile on the solder.
Yes, it's chuffing huge, i had to borrow a pipe cutter a few days ago and i chopped the 22mm pipe to the wrong length, oops! On the other hand, it's not like i'm pushed for space under the bonet of a transit