Stephen Fry under police investigation......for blasphemy?

12 May 2012
I thought this would be a funny read when I saw it on Twitter, guessing it was Newsthump, The Onion or something similar, but nope.

The Telegraph.

"According to reports , Irish police are investigating Fry, once voted the most intelligent man on TV, for insulting God. To be precise Fry accused God of being an ‘utter maniac’.

The Irish Independent claimed police launched its inquiry after comments made by Fry during an interview with the national broadcaster RTE.

A member of the public contacted the Gardai after Fry disclosed his thoughts on God in an interview first broadcast as long ago as February 2015."

The offence of blasphemy, included in the Defamation Act, is punishable by a fine of 25,000 euro under Irish law.

Now, I can imagine Ireland is still heavily religious area, but this is just insane.

Never heard of the station before, nor the show, but I'm guessing it must be heavily religious. Especially when you see the reaction of the interviewers face during this answer.

Dug it out, as the telegraph hadn't linked to it.

Clip was from 2015, yet it's being investigated now.
12 May 2012
RTE is the Irish version of the BBC give or take so it's a major channel.

Gay Byrne is probably what they would do to Stephen Fry if that religious lot still had more clout.

Wish I'd thought of that punny line, but was still in shock from such foolery over there. ;)
12 May 2012
"Especially when you see the reaction of the interviewers face during this answer."

how dare you think for yourself, question my faith, question the morals and character of my mass murdering, pscyopathic sadistic god who created a place of eternal torture just because you don't accept it, and question the fly and cancer in children plus global flood is anything but pure "love" so I'll just have the "shutdown face" and "blank eye" and "squirm in my seat" reaction.


That'll be 25k Euros please, also a week breaking rocks if you don't pay ASAP :p
12 May 2012
Gets even weirder.

"According to a report in the Irish Independent newspaper, no publicised cases of blasphemy have been brought before the courts since the law was introduced in 2009 and a source said it was "highly unlikely" that a prosecution against Fry would take place."


Why are such draconian laws being allowed in 2009?
12 May 2012
You've never heard of RTE? It's Ireland's national broadcaster.

Catholicism is massively influential over there. Every little village has a church slap bang in the middle. I even found a church where you could pick up free bottles of holy water. I took one, and used it to water our pot plants at home. Unsurprisingly, it was no more effective than normal water. :p

I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't have or watch tv.
Not had one since mid '90s & even then, it was only used for my Amiga hehe.

As for your plant, did you forget to state some silly rhyme whilst doing it? If not, there's the problem :p
12 May 2012
Richard Dawkins is offering himself up for arrest too.

To show solidarity with Fry, Dawkins quoted a sentence from his book, The God Delusion: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

On Twitter, Dawkins added: “The Irish blasphemy law must go. An embarrassment to the civilised world, it encourages the uncivilised one.”"

Apparently they dropped the investigation against Stephen Fry already.

It's also had good effect elsewhere.
"A blasphemy investigation into Stephen Fry has prompted New Zealand's major political parties to commit to repealing the country's blasphemy laws."
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