stephen King films...

Dreamcatcher was looking to be one of my favourite films of all time, right up until the point with Jason Lee in the bathroom. Film went downhill fast after that and not even Morgan Freeman could save it. I was so disappointed.

Best of the bunch:
Stand By Me
Shawshank Redemption
The Shining
The Green Mile
Maximum Overdrive
and to some extent The Langoliers, although it really lacked a decent ending.

I can't admit to having seen all the films based on his books though.
Belmit said:
Best of the bunch:
Stand By Me ****
Shawshank Redemption *****
The Shining ****
The Green Mile *****
Misery ***
Maximum Overdrive ***
IT ***

Great selection of films there I've got them all and watched Maximum Overdrive last weekend :) for me Shawshank & The Green Mile are the better but all are well worth getting.
Storm of the Century is probably worth a look, not adapted from one of his books, but just one of his straight to tv type affairs.

The Stand and Desperation are also tv movies from his books.

Other films would be:

Hearts In Atlantis
Pet Semetary
Dolores Claiborne
The Dead Zone
Secret Window
The Running Man
Salem's Lot

Made in the 70's but that boy at the window still gives me the creeps, and as for Mr Barlow... well you wouldnt want to meet him on a dark night :p

I think its the best vampire story made.
Andybtsn said:
It is a movie really, just really long. Too long for TV so they cut it up. I have it on DVD. Four discs!

"aww's yes, m-o-o-n, that spells nick"

IT is the only film that i'm scared of, probably because i saw it when i was about 10, but now even the picture of it scares me


but IT does have the worst ending to a film i've ever seen, a giant spider? wtf
Stephen King writes a great book.
Over the years he has had many critics, but the fact he has been around for so long and that he sells millions of books every year shows that people do genuinly like his work.
Sure some of his books are better than others, however I like his style and I think it is safe to say I've read all of his books.

The problem with films based on King books is that basically....they stink.
For some reason they just do not convert to the small or large screen very well.
It maybe the length of the books and that to do them justice you need 3+ of on-screen time (something most studios will not allow) I just don't know.
For me:

Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile

These two probably stand head and shoulders above the rest, however they are not your supernatural/horror stories.
King books dont translate well, but what book does? The big difference between a book and film is its impossible to get into the charcters head on film and film removes the imagination.
stoofa said:
Stephen King writes a great book.
Over the years he has had many critics, but the fact he has been around for so long and that he sells millions of books every year shows that people do genuinly like his work.
Sure some of his books are better than others, however I like his style and I think it is safe to say I've read all of his books.

The problem with films based on King books is that basically....they stink.
For some reason they just do not convert to the small or large screen very well.
It maybe the length of the books and that to do them justice you need 3+ of on-screen time (something most studios will not allow) I just don't know.
For me:

Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile

These two probably stand head and shoulders above the rest, however they are not your supernatural/horror stories.

To be fair, you wont find a single book that has justice done to it on-screen. That is just the way of the world. The original work will always be better, more detailed and allow you to use your imagination.
This does not mean that you cannot enjoy the films though, you just have to drop your pre-conceptions and take in the film on a clean slate.

Stand By Me is my favourite of Kings films, based on "The Body" which is a fantastic short story.
Maximum Overdrive is damned cool too, especially if you like the 80's. Emilio Estevez plays the lead role and AC/DC did the soundtrack :D
just read "CELL" pretty good book Films wise you can't beat the classics

The Shinning
Saeloms Lot
and to a lesser degree IT.
bledd. said:
"aww's yes, m-o-o-n, that spells nick"

IT is the only film that i'm scared of, probably because i saw it when i was about 10, but now even the picture of it scares me


but IT does have the worst ending to a film i've ever seen, a giant spider? wtf


Iv liked most of the SK films iv seen, except desperation, that was rubbish

Rose Red

Hearts in Atlantis was a great book, was nowhere near as good on the tv =/
I thought it was pretty rubbish tbh. The story however in the Four Past Midnight was certainly one of the best storys hes done. The atmosphere generated in the book was no where near in the film. The guy waking up to find everyone gone was just :eek:
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