cool thanks ill take a lookAndybtsn said:The Stand or Tommyknockers are great.
Belmit said:Best of the bunch:
Stand By Me ****
Shawshank Redemption *****
The Shining ****
The Green Mile *****
Misery ***
Maximum Overdrive ***
IT ***
sup3rc0w said:THE STAND!!!!!
Not a movie, but and excellent mini-series
Andybtsn said:It is a movie really, just really long. Too long for TV so they cut it up. I have it on DVD. Four discs!
stoofa said:Stephen King writes a great book.
Over the years he has had many critics, but the fact he has been around for so long and that he sells millions of books every year shows that people do genuinly like his work.
Sure some of his books are better than others, however I like his style and I think it is safe to say I've read all of his books.
The problem with films based on King books is that basically....they stink.
For some reason they just do not convert to the small or large screen very well.
It maybe the length of the books and that to do them justice you need 3+ of on-screen time (something most studios will not allow) I just don't know.
For me:
Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
These two probably stand head and shoulders above the rest, however they are not your supernatural/horror stories.
bledd. said:"aww's yes, m-o-o-n, that spells nick"
IT is the only film that i'm scared of, probably because i saw it when i was about 10, but now even the picture of it scares me
but IT does have the worst ending to a film i've ever seen, a giant spider? wtf
Belmit said:The Langoliers,.