stephen King films...

bledd. said:
"aww's yes, m-o-o-n, that spells nick"

IT is the only film that i'm scared of, probably because i saw it when i was about 10, but now even the picture of it scares me


but IT does have the worst ending to a film i've ever seen, a giant spider? wtf

hehe. i know what you mean. it freaked me out a bit but it's great fun. ending was a bit weird.

btw bledd, really like your sig. i can't quite figure it out but it reminds me of something.
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If you've not seen it, I would definitely recommend..

The Dead Zone.

I read the book as a kid (bit of a chore) and the film is excellent with Christopher Walken as the main character, he seems to really fit the part for some reason.

Remember thinking this was scarey when I was young, there's nothing really graphic or shocking about it, but it's very psychological and deals with paranormal stuff in a very neat way. There was a recent film called Next with N.Cage starring and it looked to be a complete rip of this film.
n3crius said:
There was a recent film called Next with N.Cage starring and it looked to be a complete rip of this film.

Actually Next is not at all like dead zone (which you are correct is very very good)

Next aint a bad film.

The Stand mini series was very good, and actually does the book justice.
The Shinning is a movie classic.

Cujo was great when i wasa kid real freaked me out.
Carrie is a great film as well.

IT mini series really sucked hard.

Off to the pub now or i would list more.
House said:
Actually Next is not at all like dead zone (which you are correct is very very good)

I'll take your word for it. I only based this thought on the trailer for that film. I think I saw the guy have a car accident then suddenly tell people what was going to happen. Kinda put 2 and 2 together and came up with 'absolute rip off'. I'll rent it out when it's available. :D
IT the film is really a very poor adaptation of the book. The ending did not get the justice it deserved. Some good ones from the 80's theough. Firestarter, Christine & The Dead Zone to name but a few
The Green Mile has to be my favourite,could watch it again and again.Tried to read the book but couldn't get into it :D
sup3rc0w said:

Not a movie, but and excellent mini-series

Just don't read the book first though, the book is sublime and could easily spoil the series.

Another of my all time favourites, albeit a short story from 'Four Past Midnight' is 'The Langoliers'. It was also made into a 2-part movie.
Linken said:
The Green Mile has to be my favourite,could watch it again and again.Tried to read the book but couldn't get into it :D

Which is why books > film

I had read the Green Mile then saw it at the pictures. Everyone was saying how good it was and in tears at the end. I was "meh. Thought it was crap".
Have to agree woth the majority of the sentiment here in that the best films are by far the ones not based on horror stories.

Stand By Me
Green Mile

In that order.

The big co-incidence here? Shawshank and Green mile were both set in prisons and both directed by Frank Darabont who is currently directing The Mist - one of my favourite SK stories - more suspense than horror. Will look forward to that one (with a little trepidation as it is set in a supermarket rather than a prison ;) ).

For the record the film version of the Shawshank redemption is, IMHO, the only film which I have seen which is better that the book/story it is based on.
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