Dolph said:Have you checked the brakes aren't binding?
How would i do that?
Will look at the carb, i think someone said to me once you can get Carb cleaner, is that worth a shot?
Dolph said:Have you checked the brakes aren't binding?
Agent_Smith357 said:It might be, if you take the air box off and poke the choke flaps you should be able to see if its black and clogged up.
Agent_Smith357 said:I was thinking more along the lines of the accelerator pump gasket.
spaz said:If it's anything like my old Fiesta it was the air flow sensor that was causing problems with lack of power/flat spots/inconsistent accelleration. Not sure where it would be for your car but a quick browse in a haynes manual should locate it for you.
My mistake, was on laptop when posted so had pics disabled, now I see the carbEnfield said:I don't think carbs have those mate.
Agent_Smith357 said:Depending on what carb (some sort of weber I hope) you would buy a rebuild kit that contained new gaskets, strip the carb down and clean it all with cleaner and just rebuild according to the manual.