Stopping rusting between sideskirts

agw_01 said:
lol, well you can find a few pics in this thread :)

That rust isnt that bad and you call yourself a Rover owner, pah

Not an MOT failure and its still at the treatable stage if you do it properly now.

I'll wait for the other pics but I expect those spats made it worse by holding water against the body

agw_01 said:
Cheers for the replies guys.

Fulcrum, so basically, spray Waxoyl into every sill, wheelarch and underbody panel I get can to?

Liverpool-Lad, afraid the actual panels have rusted straight through. I stuck a screwdriver through one panel, pulled it out and it took half of the panel with it :(

I've waxoyl'd the entire open sills for now... until I can get them welded.

I wouldnt treat the panel till its welded because he'll need a clean surface which is the oppisite of the how you want it in order to resist any moisture.
Dont wax the wheelarch, it'll be gone in a week with all the grit kicked up by the wheels. Your'll need proper thick sealant, tar like stuff
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I was just about to say... wait until you see the sills :D

Sorry... I meant the things that used to be sills!

I could have fixed the damage in those pictures with Isopon no problems... the sills however, they'll need filling.

And that was a question in my OP... how to stop the new welded panels from ending up in the same way? Spray waxoyl between the sill and side skirt?
Maybe but its really meant for the inside of the sill

It just needs to be repainted well, the water is going to be held against the body for days after it rains, trying to rust back through. If its not going to be visible you could put seam sealer on there

This guy is building a car to go amphibious, I think he knows all about rust :)

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