Storing and playing digital audio files

17 Oct 2011
I have had the same separates since around 1992. A Marantz CD63SE and a Marantz PM54SE. A few years ago I bought some Monitor Audio floor standing speakers and it is a combination that works well for me and the music I listen to.

I have been thinking about adding something that will digitally store and play recordings in the highest possible quality. A display on the device with the track/artist/album information would be nice.

I haven't yet decided how much I would be willing to spend, but less than £1000 I would have thought.

Is anyone able to suggest some options please?
I'd have thought a Sonos Connect and a NAS would do a good job of handling this, controlled with a smartphone.

Your CD ripping would have to take place on your computer. I guess it depends how much you value a one-box solution.
I'd have thought a Sonos Connect and a NAS would do a good job of handling this, controlled with a smartphone.

Your CD ripping would have to take place on your computer. I guess it depends how much you value a one-box solution.

I have a Synology NAS and 2 x WD Red 2 TB I bought some time ago but haven't got around to using yet. I shall look into the Sonos.

Advantage of the Sonos is that it has a line in so you can use it to stream whatever you are playing on your separates system back to a remote speaker elsewhere in the house.

I think you have 100 days to send it back if you don't like it so it's just your time that you'd lose.
I use a Raspberry Pi 2 and a Meridian Explorer 2 USB DAC with a My Book Live and then use an old iPad as a display
The thing with this is that there are any number of solutions. The answer depends very much on whether one is happy to take a very hands-on role with assembling gear, setting it up, and then ripping music. Or whether one values the convenience of an all-in-one solution where it's almost plug and play. The latter category is products such as the Brennan (£500'ish bottom end), Cambridge Audio and similar (mid-range up to £900) or the high end solutions from Linn, Naim etc at anything up to £5000.
One more question, if you can indulge me guys.

How much of a difference to the quality of the sound does a digital data connection between the source and the amp make? My PM54SE doesn't have digital in, but I note that the Marantz PM6005 does.
Whatever happens the signal has to be converted from digital to analogue somewhere. Whether that's inside the source box, inside an outboard DAC, or inside an amp with a digital input really makes little difference. It's the quality of the conversion and the handle a wide variety of file formats that are more significant factors. Digital isn't inherently better than analogue though. So I wouldn't change the amp for one with a digital input just for the sake of it. If the conversion can be done externally then you might be able to choose a better quality DAC that handles a bigger range of res file formats.
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