Story Driven Games - FPS or RPG.

29 May 2011

I've gotten bored of GTA and the numerous problems online and I haven't seemed to click with single player for some reason.

I'm after a story rich game that's done well.

The last truly memorable game I played was the Metro Redux series which I cannot recommend enough the music, story and atmosphere was fantastic and eagerly await the third instalment.

I'll list the games I've played from memory.

  1. Metro 2033 Redux
  2. Metro: Last Light Redux
  3. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
  4. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  5. Resident Evil HD Remaster
  6. Resident Evil 4
  7. Crysis
  8. Crysis 2
  9. Crysis 3
  10. TellTale's The Walking Dead Season 1
  11. TellTale's The Walking Dead Season 2
  12. Final Fantasy 7
  13. Final Fantasy 10
  14. Final Fantasy 10-2
  15. Fallout 3 (first 10 hours)
  16. Diablo 2
  17. Diablo 3
  18. South Park: Stick of Truth
  19. Bulletstorm
  20. Dishonoured

  1. Final Fantasy Lightning Series
  2. Resident Evil 5
  3. Resient Evil 6
  4. Mass Effect

  1. Alien Isolation
  2. The Evil Within
  3. The Witcher 3
  4. Gothic
  5. Gothic II
  6. Gothic III
  7. Risen
  8. Risen II
  9. Risen III
  10. Deus Ex HR
  11. Bioshock
  12. Wolfenstein
  13. Dragon Age Inquisition
  14. Gears of War
  15. Tomb Raider
  16. Singularity
  17. Telltale's The Wolf Among Us
  18. Telltale's Game of Thrones

Ideally, I want a game like Metro / Skyrim / Crysis that doesn't have a complex key binding as I put two years into WoW and that was enough of a learning curve and grew tired of all the keys.

I'm not a fan of Fallout as I can't take the VAST? shooting system although good story so far.

Hit me with your suggestions as I've a feeling I've missed some golden games!

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I've gotten bored of GTA and the numerous problems online and I haven't seemed to click with single player for some reason.

I'm after a story rich game that's done well.

If you can handle old skool graphics then:

Gothic (with widescreen + HD textures pack)
Gothic II (with widescreen patch)
Gothic III (with Community Patch 1.75 + Content Mod 2.4)

These games are the RPGs that made me think I was an RPG fan, only to discover that just about every other RPG I tried, bored the **** out of me. Of the Gothic games, Gothic II is probably the best.

The same devs also done:

Risen (similar to Gothic games, bit more polished, but with less soul)
Risen II (publishers market research people have obvioulsy gotten invovled with development process, game lost it's roots a little bit, but still enjoyable)
Risen III (see comments on Risen II)

Other great RPGs (imo) would be Divinity II (Draken Saga) and The Witcher series. Just incase you haven't heard, The Witcher 3 has just been released, and there quite simply hasn't been a more intriguing, stunning, epic story driven RPG as this game, ever before. Witcher 3 makes Skyrim look like the olympic sized swimming pool filled with 2 inches of ****, that it was.

Getting away from strict RPGs, but sticking with games with great storytelling (and great gameplay), I would recommend:

Dishonored (would recommend DLC as well)
Bioshock (all of them...skip the DLC for Bioshock Infinite though)
Tomb Raider (2012)
Deus Ex HR

and yeah...that is all I can think off.

Edit: Another 'Story Driven' FPS that I would recommend would be Wolfenstein, New Order. Great gameplay, story is überlame imo, but there are still lots of interesting things about the story if you can put up with the hollywood B movie trashy mindless nature of it. Best single player FPS that I played in years though.
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution is one that I remember having a nice story and music.

Alien Isolation also has great atmosphere and production values.
Dragon Age Inquisition?
Bioshock (all of them...skip the DLC for Bioshock Infinite though)


Well, each to their own, and maybe that's a comment on the gameplay but in terms of completing the story the Burial At Sea DLC is incredible! It is not to be skipped!

Edit: I also recommend the Bioshock series of games... but including the Bioshock Infinite DLC ;)
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The Witcher series?

I'm not a fan of Fallout as I can't take the VAST? shooting system although good story so far.

Vault tec assisted aiming is like a special ability - deals a lot of damage in a short period of time but has a cooldown. If you don't like it then don't use it :confused:
I strongly disagree with the above

I would also suggest Mass effect. In my opinion it is a fantastic trilogy worth playing through at least once... I haven't finished 3 yet mind you.

ok. people who like american tv dramas will probably like the mass effect games. but if that aint u (it sure aint me), then steer well clear.
Witcher 3

Epicness on a scale you wont even believe until you play it.

And it's definitely story driven!


yep...just at the end of another 5 hour session.

i sit playing it half the time with a dropped jaw, in a state of continual astonishment with what cdpr have achieved.

how did they do it? why is the witcher 3 so far ahead of, well everything else?

really is an incredible piece of digital art
Agree with Mass Effect even if ME2 felt like you were a messenger and enabler for your whole team. Also Tomb Raider 2012 but push through the first 30-45 minutes. There are quite a few QTE's but get past them and it opens up nicely to be a great game.
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