Story Driven Games - FPS or RPG.

Agree with Mass Effect even if ME2 felt like you were a messenger and enabler for your whole team. Also Tomb Raider 2012 but push through the first 30-45 minutes. There are quite a few QTE's but get past them and it opens up nicely to be a great game.

Thanks for that, I gave up after around 40 mins due to the sheer amount of cut scenes and QTE. It felt like I was watching and button bashing more than I was actually playing so I removed it, now I know they stop I'll probably give it another go.
Bioshock (all of them)
Mass Effect (can only recommend 2 as that's the only one I've played, but fantastic voice acting)
Starcraft 2 + HotS (really good single player storyline)

EDIT: Starcraft 2 isn't FPS but does have some elements of RPG in there, upgrading your units with different abilities etc...
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Easily Bioshock. The game features some of the most imaginative settings I've ever seen and it's not an RPG so you won't have to sink in hundreds of hours to immerse yourself in the story. Also, the gameplay's not too shabby as well.
System Shock 2 is still one of the best. The first Bioshock was based on it, but SS2 is still better tbh.

You just need to see past the 1999 graphics :D
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Call of Juarez Gunslinger had a great story & a great feel to the shooting, it has it's tongue firmly in it's cheek & does not take it self to seriously like a lot of story driven games! I really enjoyed it & it's pretty cheep on steam.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger had a great story & a great feel to the shooting, it has it's tongue firmly in it's cheek & does not take it self to seriously like a lot of story driven games! I really enjoyed it & it's pretty cheep on steam.

This is a good shout. It's quite hard on the higher difficulties too.

I really liked the old-dude-telling-possibly-tall-tales-in-a-bar framing and how they used it in the gameplay sections, plus the cheesy but excellent use of the rendition of "O Death" was a high point.
Witcher 3

Epicness on a scale you wont even believe until you play it.

And it's definitely story driven!


Aye just given a look at, will I need to play the first games?

A story rich game thats also an FPS?

Wolfenstien: The New Blood.

/end thread.

I'll add that to the list to play. Thanks.

If you don't mind something a bit older the STALKER games are fantastic and fit your criteria pretty well.

I've a had a look at the Stalker games off and on for a few years now but I've seen allot of people talking about bugs and the need of modding to improve the game which something I cannot be bothered with. To much faff!

BulletStorm is another one that is quite good. Interesting gameplay :)

Aye I loved that game, the action was spot on and he humour had me going for hours!

If you liked The Walking Dead i can recommend Telltales The Wold Among Us and Game of Thrones.

I'll have a glance at it, cheers.

I've played the first 10 hours of Mass Effect and I couldn't get into it. How the playing style is I found it very awkward and I had the impression I had to know the lore before playing it.


I'd forgotten about those two, I'll add them to my list of games to look out for.
Witcher 3

Epicness on a scale you wont even believe until you play it.

And it's definitely story driven!



Got some really funny & epic moments in it; multi-layered and complex characters and story so far has kept me enthralled when the gameplay / exploration / combat / crafting alone would have got tiresome.

I wouldn't bother with the first two, they are good games, but 3 takes all the best parts of both before and builds them into an open-world bursting with places to explore, monsters to hunt, and quests to embark on.
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Story driven FPS or RPG? How about a story driven FPS and RPG, such as Deus Ex or Bioshock?

Also although not strictly a FPS, the Max Payne series is heavily story driven.
Story driven FPS or RPG? How about a story driven FPS and RPG, such as Deus Ex or Bioshock?

Also although not strictly a FPS, the Max Payne series is heavily story driven.

if not strictly fps then mafia 1 and 2 would fit the bill perfect :)
I remember Mafia 1's story being great at the time. Fairly old game now though. Very old actually.

Max Payne series is actually good too. I'd forgotten about that!
Don't see Far Cry 3 on the list. Can't speak for 4 but I really enjoyed 3. See Far Cry 2 for an example of how to take an epic premise, epic setting, solid engine, large budget and ruin a game with just a few crappy mechanics
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