Strange issue...

14 Sep 2010
Port Talbot - Wales
I've got my processor overclocked to 4.10GHz and Open Hardware Monitor shows this (4104MHz on both cores)

However, Windows Vista system information only says my processor is 3.60GHz

I've updated the experience index scores but it doesn't change the CPU speed...


Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
If you change the multipliers, windows gets confused. If the actual hardware monitor is telling you what you have, believe that.

I had an E6600 which I dropped the multi on and stuck in a higher FSB. Windows just multiplied the standard multiplier to get an even larger number that what it was.

I would not worry!
Its the same for me. I used to run my overclocked Q6600 on the standard 9x multiplier for 3.42ghz with a lower fsb, however I now run at 8x with a higher fsb and windows thinks its 3.6ghz or something because of the multiplier issue.

Download CPU-Z and see what that says. It should say the same as your hardware monitor. Just ignore windows.
I'm not wondering which is right - I know CPUz and OHM are right, I just wondered if there was a way of correcting windows - just find it annoying lol

strangely though I haven't adjusted my multi - it's been 9x ever since I got the computer, I've just put the FSB up from 333 to 456
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