Strange Windows Loading Problem

26 Oct 2004
Up North
Hi. Windows has started to give me a bit of grief when loading. On first boot it stops loading as the blue bars go across, all hard drive activity stops and it just does nothing. I've then reset it, let it go into safe mode restarted again and it goes in as normal. This has now happenned two days running and and is the first time its happenned for a couple of months. Is this something that I should be getting worried about? I've done a virus check and its come up clean and I've used Spy Doctor to remove all spyware however, usually only a day later everything Spy Doctor has removed has returned. Is this likely to be linked?

It could well be linked to the spyware infection, unfortunately if your removing the stuff then on reboot it comes back then it isnt being removed at all :(

Dont know if this site has a section for hijackthis logs, but you need someone to check out a hjt log of your machine.

If it's not against the rules then I will take a look for you.
I had a similar problem, it was caused by a usb device being connected and windows didnt like it, so i suggest unplugging all usb devices
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