Stranger Things (Netflix)

Seems really early for a S4 announcement trailer. Regardless I really hope they can recapture the tense atmosphere of the first season again and focus less on comedy. There was no tension in S3 and too much was played off for laughs.
I've got my soda and refreshments ready!

I can see them struggle to fit a decent storyline for potentially Robin,Nancy,Steve, Jonathan and Joyce in S4 to be honest.
Nancy and Jonathan had the weakest development from S3, Joyce being Joyce and Robin was a new addition to change up Steve a little.
I quite liked season 3, more than 2.
1 is still the best and I stand by that it could just had stayed as a single season.
Like, nobody.

Also has anyone been to the Secret Cinema event? Going tonight and got no idea what is in store

Yeah, did it a few weeks ago really good.

There's a lot of hidden stuff around that you have to work out (you don't have to but you can get into the back of Scoops ahoy and other stuff) but isn't really clear on how, so without ruining stuff I can only suggest you follow the actors round as much as possible (can't miss them they are lookalikes haha) and just interact as much as possible. It's one of those things the more you put in the more you will get out etc.

Otherwise just enjoy the mooch around and food and drinks etc. Highly recommend staying in the Hideaway bar especially for the dance off ;)

If getting there early (suggest you do if you don't have VIP as Q can take a while) then you will have around 3 hours to mooch around before what takes place happens next ;) Once that's done you can still mooch around after for a while and get hammered if you want :p

If you get lost on location, people will be outside the station with signs around 30 minutes before it starts, but it's left of the traffic lights you will see a huge glowing building just head in that direction following the masses dressed up.
Yeah, quite enjoyed it; we got stuck into our own story but after a certain point you're obviously all heading the same way. We went to the obvious bits, but there's obviously a few secret bits that I'd have loved to have seen. Was cool to just walk around and randomly bump into a scene involving whichever character, but it's hard to make any sense of what's going on when you can't hear them
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Not surprised either since he is a fan favourite character.
Interested in what sort of story they have for all the characters and how they all join together to go to Russia to rescue Hopper.
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