Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

We won the first round of our 3v3 tourny...

Two things

1) I want Kreeeee to have my babies, excellent performance

2) My mother cost me a game by getting locked out in the rain. RAGE
That Zing fellow normally beats me everytime in Endless when we are playing with secondary chars, so I was very happy to beat him with mains. I was definatley in the zone for an OCV right then but **** happens. Good job clearing the rest up those guys was no joke. Wonder who we fight next?

Apprently they are complaining to gav about lag too. Felt smooth to me...
Yup, great performances by Omh and Kreeee!

We were saving our best until last. Luckily we didn't need you this time but you're our anchor :)

Excellent! Well played guys. :)

Any of you recording the games? Art who are you using?

Games will be on Gavsgarden's youtube channel.

He's using Cammy/Ryu.

OMH beat a very good Rog, I beat a 11-13k (iirc, was over 10k) Chun and an 11-13k (iirc, was over 10k) Sagat with DeeJay and Rog respectively.

The Sagat player was very salty, said it was a laggy connection (there was no lag, I whine like a mare if there's even a hint of lag) and that he was going to hang my nan =/
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Damn Blackghost is a saltmonster. Jesterpower the chun was a good sport it seemed he said ggs and stuff. I was originally gonna be in jesters team but he took Zing over me.
Very nice! Personally I think kreeeee have mastered the chun match up, he is the only one I know that can beat me senseless everytime in the same match up
Damn Blackghost is a saltmonster. Jesterpower the chun was a good sport it seemed he said ggs and stuff. I was originally gonna be in jesters team but he took Zing over me.

So I was your second choice? I'm rage-quitting the team!

Vian, poke more (shp, chk) and AA more (, ex sbk) and you'll have me licked every game. I also saw your edit, who's "ordered"? :P
They sound like ****s. Good job on beating them, I'll look fwd to the vids. Kreeeee, you beat a loudmouth 10k+ Sagat using Deejay lol, quality. :D
So I was your second choice? I'm rage-quitting the team!

No no no, I was offered a place in their team before I even knew about the tourny. Before I had accepted they took Zing, so I came here after seeing there was space for one more team :)

Looks like we got the TKO guys next, I played them they pretty solid. Think we can take them though!
They sound like ****s. Good job on beating them, I'll look fwd to the vids. Kreeeee, you beat a loudmouth 10k+ Sagat using Deejay lol, quality. :D

Using Rog mate. I beat the Chun with DeeJay. It's still massively in Sagat's favour though, and should have been a free win for the Sagat.
No no no, I was offered a place in their team before I even knew about the tourny. Before I had accepted they took Zing, so I came here after seeing there was space for one more team :)

Looks like we got the TKO guys next, I played them they pretty solid. Think we can take them though!

I've only played the Ibuki recently, one note I'd make is that he didn't use the kunai mixup on wakeup too much, he prefers to just use ambiguous crossups with normals instead.
Was it ScN x Blakghost you played by any chance? I've played him a few times. Extremely arrogant and disrespectful and moans a lot when he loses lol.

Well done to team OMH, Kreeeee and Art for getting to the second round!
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