Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Heys guys.

I've put a new batch of vids up on my youtube channel featuring Conqueror Kenny who seems to be a fairly solid player. He played Fei Long, Akuma, Ryu, Seth and Balrog against me.

I will ask him about joining the leagues here.
ggs earlier guys. Don't think I was quite myself today but oh well I suck.

Artheas - I think you are the most rounded sf4 player I have ever played. Your knowledge and ability with what is seemingly the entire cast is amazing and lately I have felt lost playing you. If one day I can play half as good as you I will be a happy man.
ggs earlier guys. Don't think I was quite myself today but oh well I suck.

Artheas - I think you are the most rounded sf4 player I have ever played. Your knowledge and ability with what is seemingly the entire cast is amazing and lately I have felt lost playing you. If one day I can play half as good as you I will be a happy man.

I reckon he could be the best regular on OcUK, if he stuck with a main. He beats be regularly using various characters.
Ah, he never ever destroys me, they're always to the wire. He's the only player who can really challenge me every single game though without having a character advantage.

I have to be on point when I play him.
ggs earlier guys. Don't think I was quite myself today but oh well I suck.

lol I think it was my 'new playstyle' (dp mashing) that beat you today. I just felt like trying it out for a bit to see how it went :o
Normally when we play, it's very even, esp in Ryu mirrors, where I think you're 6-4.

Ah, he never ever destroys me, they're always to the wire. He's the only player who can really challenge me every single game though without having a character advantage.

Ehh.. you spank me plenty with DeeJay, and Balrog. Not being able to jump in on DeeJay, ever, drives me nuts.
lol I think it was my 'new playstyle' (dp mashing) that beat you today. I just felt like trying it out for a bit to see how it went :o
Normally when we play, it's very even, esp in Ryu mirrors, where I think you're 6-4.

Lol you only dp mashed the last couple of games which was making me laugh. The other games were great and you were truly on fire.
What about my Ryu art? You love playing him!

I can just mess around with most of OcUKers that I've played and still do fine, but against you I can't let down my guard at all.
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I was blown away today. He completely destroyed me with pretty much everyone.

Lol I know how you feel mate, it's not the same anymore from when me and Art would play SF4 on the PC, they were close sets! Now I get thrashed, esp when he uses Cammy. We are currently 2/3 the way through a set where I am using Ryu and he's using all 35 chars lol and its currently 13-11 to Art and we have the bottom row, the toughest row to play!!

I agree with you though distorted, overall hes the best SF player I've ever played.
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