Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

9 Mar 2007
I too am a bit concerned about all this input delay malarkey. The TV i had issues with was my parents which was also a Panasonic, just a different model to mine. The input delay rendered Rock Band unplayable which has made me afraid to upgrade my television in the future :( Whenever i play SF4 there it's much harder, not sure if that's because of the crappy sixaxis tho.
13 Dec 2003
can input delay make a difference?

because recently im having trouble blocking, its like im blocking but its not working
and i been thinking its this pos stick im using :confused:

im using a dell 2709 at the moment, was using a panasonic plasma before but but ive not really considered it until your posts, so i cant be sure its input lag, me being a noob with a new stick, you guys are getting better or a bit of all 3 :p

edit: changed the a to u :p
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9 Mar 2007
can input delay make a difference?

I would be willing to bet a change in input delay would throw off your game.

An example for me would be, unsurprisingly, Abel. He has a combo where you medium kick, step forward, fierce punch. Now the FP input has to be pretty much frame perfect to execute, a frame lasting only a fraction of a second, for the FP to combo. I've figured it out that on my screen as he sticks his back foot out to push forward for the step forward i have to press fierce punch at that moment.

If the input delay were to change the moment i time it by on screen would not necessarily work as the time between me pressing a button and the screen displaying the effect has changed.

So yes, changing to a different TV with different input delay could conceivably mess up your game.
15 Nov 2006
you wanna give me some more beats? i can come online, i dont care for input lag :p

i'll be online in about 10 mins, gonna try taking my TV off game mode and see what happens.

Tomorrow I might drag my old TV out and try both out side by side, I'll be annoyed if my new TV has more input lag though as everything else it's way better for. :o
9 Mar 2007
Keep in mind margaret input lag can easily be adjusted to, you just have to give it time. I'd be willing to bet the plasma has a lower delay as i'm constantly told they're better for gaming partly because of it.
15 Nov 2006
Keep in mind margaret input lag can easily be adjusted to, you just have to give it time. I'd be willing to bet the plasma has a lower delay as i'm constantly told they're better for gaming partly because of it.

True, I definitely think it is a change in input lag throwing me off though as I haven't been able to do this one combo once and I've tried about 20+ times now, before I had over a 90% success rate. :/

It's not even a hard bloody combo!
13 Dec 2003
I would be willing to bet a change in input delay would throw off your game.

An example for me would be, unsurprisingly, Abel. He has a combo where you medium kick, step forward, fierce punch. Now the FP input has to be pretty much frame perfect to execute, a frame lasting only a fraction of a second, for the FP to combo. I've figured it out that on my screen as he sticks his back foot out to push forward for the step forward i have to press fierce punch at that moment.

If the input delay were to change the moment i time it by on screen would not necessarily work as the time between me pressing a button and the screen displaying the effect has changed.

So yes, changing to a different TV with different input delay could conceivably mess up your game.

interesting, im gonna try and adjust some settings on this dell, its got gaming mode, and loads of other settings, see if it helps, if not i'll try the panasonic veira tomorrow and see if it helps
21 Jul 2004
Yes I thought I was a goner in a few of those but managed it pull it back a few times.

I don't play Sagat so I can't really give you any character specific tips, but there is no point just spamming out your ultra like that as most people will just block it then punish you for it. You may catch people off guard sometimes, but you will miss a lot more than you will hit it.

Also you jumped in quiet a lot when I had my Ultra. I actually failed to follow up the dragon punch with my ultra quite a few times, but I should have done it and done you a lot of damage. Generally, jumping in against Ryu when he has ultra is a no no.
8 Dec 2004
ggs Cav. Just a shame about the lag. I'm pretty sure it was my end as my pings in Steam are pretty crazy as well. Most likely one of my housemates downloading something....

I don't think I've played such a defensive player before. :p

Although you beat me in the mostly lagless games we had, I noticed you fell into the same patterns a lot which I tried to exploit towards the later games when my connection collapsed!

You use Guile's sweep a lot which I'm pretty sure is punishable on block after the first hit. I haven't really played a lot of Guile players enough to get down the timing well, but I'm sure I've managed to hit Guile players mid sweep with a dragon punch before. So against players who have got the timing down, you may want to stop doing that so much.

I noticed you also seemed to flash kick a lot after you sweeped, even if I blocked both hits. That's quite an unsafe move if you miss (I still fell for it quite a few times though as you mixed it up with a few throws!), so you're opening yourself to a lot of damage if you miss.

Otherwise, you play quite a solid defensive game which seemed to work against me at least for those games. :p

Re: Sweeps and Flash Kicks. I baited you many times and you fell for them. This is why I use them. Had I noticed you changing your game I would not use them ;)

Instead I would only use Guiles medium kick which has very good range, and a combination of CR.HP (which is an anti air uppercut) and standing MK which is also another good anti-air.

Im using a 360 pad, dont suppose you are doing the same? I feel very limited in the moves that I can pull off as Kreeeee knows. If I had a stick I would be mixing it up with focus attacks and super cancelling. But I cant get to grips with the shoulder buttons on the 360 pad so it does limit my game.

They were good games bud, but I will be honest and say that I didn't give it full effort frankly. As you mentioned I used sweeps and flashkicks excessively which I would not usually do. Some games did end up close, but this was because of my childish necessity to finish the game with a super/ultra (many a game was lost because of this).
Definitely try to intercept a second leg sweep with a dragon. Or better yet, use a focus attack on the second sweep. It is quite possible.
8 Dec 2004
He does iirc.

Liar, you always spam flash kicks and sweeps :p

Yea cause they work against you too :D

Seriously though. You remember the first set of games I lost against you Kreeeee? That was because I had LP/MP and LK/MK on the face buttons. It really threw off my game. Had it been for a stick I would not be suffering as much!

So switching to the LP/HP and LK/HK was a safer option for me at that time.

Anyway I shall soon no longer be apart of this merry posse and go back to my trusty PC :D
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