I maybe around sometime today (Sunday), but I've got quite a bit to do during the day so the best time for me would be in the evening. :)

Try getting as many games in as you can Mike, you are slipping just a bit behind everyone else ;) edit: I'm wrong, I was looking at MetalfaceM and thought that was you, please ignore. :p

Meanwhile, table has been updated.
RaMDOM 3-1 Naan_H
Naan_H 0 - 3 RaMDOM

I seem to be getting progressively crapper at this game unfortunately! I guess work is taking its toll and i cant commit as much time as i would like to gaming at the moment :(
Ouch just 3 more days to play the rest of some of you guys :eek:.
I should be available in the afternoon tomorrow ( though I have some uni work to do somewhere tomorrow) but I'll probs have a hangover as I'm drunk atm, otherwise, I'm free Monday afternoon ( work in evening though), or Tuesday evening ( probably knackered then as I usually sleep early on Tuesdays due to having to go to uni early...

But anyways, ring a bell on MSN or xfire or steam if I'm not on GFWL or here, I'm usually always online when I'm awake even if AFK so you can always leave a message.
e36, can you tell me who I have left to play?

And... many months after its been released... I have finally finished all of Guiles trials :D
Tbh, I never did really try, however yesterday I sat down and persevered, and can now pull off most of the Hard Trial combos quite regularly!
e36 - just out of curiousity how did you work out my points of 47?(I cant seem to be able to make the points marry up).

Also you played 26 games, but it seems that I will only play 24?
Yeah you have, the list of 'games to be played' was posted before you guys played. The table has that game though. :)

So Cav you actually have 6 games left to play, taking you to 26 games total.

Ah nice one.

Could you tell me how you calculated my points (just for my info)?
I seem to be making an incorrect calculation :confused:[
e36 - just out of curiousity how did you work out my points of 47?(I cant seem to be able to make the points marry up).

Also you played 26 games, but it seems that I will only play 24?

All your results are in the first post, apart from vs skeeter but they are recorded in the table. The table says under it, how far its been updated too.
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