Guys i need this with 417.12 the Red dead driver does it work? If you look at my rant in the gfx section and Nvidia driver thread i had the best system on this forum i think? I had 2-7us idle and i never ever seen above 45us in intensive apps like 8k Youtube trailers or 4k gaming they both were 45. My old pre creators Win10 though was not compatible with RTX and the 2080ti demanded i upgrade my OS. So i did and everythings doubled this is not the windows i know it has SO much new stuff even with my tweaks and knowledge of DPC tweaks my best now is 30us idle 100us in games.
But its also refusing to install Chrome apart from the beta lol... It now refuses to accept Nvidia drivers hanging on system compatiblility the only way to update was unzip the driver and point windows device manager to the driver folder. This dropped my idle from 30us to 7us and my max sometimes drops to 99us but it feels bad panning.
This is not all though, If i dare reboot i can be caught with a checking windows for 1hr and when done it changes nothing and wastes an hour. So now i only shutdown and manually reboot and it worked! It also changed my mouse i had a 2000hz ultrapolling Gladius mouse that i used.l mousetester.exe to confirm it worked at 2000hz and it did until this recent version of Windows and now it is capped at 1300 thats 700mhz lost!!! Oh and did i mention even with Cortana off of i have 90 processes? When i tweaked Windows XP, 7, 8 i had about 44 running process. I only game on my pc too so i only install about 4 drivers, Battlenet and Latencymon and Chrome. And even on this peice of bloatware it is too much. Heres some links i found to confirm the issues especially the mouse.
Also one final point, Windows also used to have the 1.1 Wintimer when HPET was disabled which was also changed to 1.0 how can that change? Did they adjust the windows timers on the sly? Basically the two versions of Win10 are nothing like each other and Win10 1903 is the worst computer experience in my 20 years of owning a gaming pc. I would bite your hands off to get back to Vista or Windows 7 but i need Gsync to work and Gsync compatible requires the dog called Windows 10.