Struggle to play single player games?

I play and enjoy both however I tend to play one more than the other for a certain amount of time and then switch the other way around. So I'm now playing less multiplayer and getting back into completing some of my single player games, however when Fallout 76 comes out I'll probably play that more than anything else with my friends and only spend a bit of time on single players.
Prefer single player over multiplayer too many morons online.

Although at the moment I am playing World of Warships and Fortnite and just finished a couple of single player games and considering which out of my single player library of to play games to start next. Looking at For Honor next I think.
Prefer multiplayer as whilst it's essentially the same game you're playing, every round/match is different.

There are singleplayer titles that I like to play though for just chilling out on the couch.
No problem here. Slowly making my way through the latest single player expansions to Age of Empires 2. Finished African Kingdoms last week. Started the asian civ ones at the weekend. A smattering of online matches in between.
42. Got sick of MP (Quakeworld, HL-DM, HL-TFC, CS Beta) games in my 30's and now prefer SP titles for story and meaningful gameplay. None of this grindy for XP and weapons/items rubbish that have folks entranced nowadays thanks. MP/MMO's titles require dedicated time spent grinding and teaming up - I've no time for that anymore.

Can't imagine the hours upon hours lost just connecting with friends in games like GTAV and the likes. What a mess.
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I find that if I don't push through the tutorial stages of some of these single player games fast enough I get bored and go back to MP. The last single player section of a game I completed and loved was GTAV. Couldn't get into the witcher games at all, got bored quickly with FFIV. I nearly gave up on Skyrim back in the day, but went back determined as I generally loved the Bethsoft games.

The only other SP experiences I've enjoyed recently have been quite short, ultra casual games like "What remains of Edith Finch."
Afraid not - the majority of games I play are single-player. I can play it at my own pace then.
Best thing about single player games for me is the fact you don't have to play them regularly to feel like you can be good at it. If I put down a MP game for a few weeks, it takes me a good few days to play well again, and most of the time, I don't have a few days to get back into it :P

I like to just play a game as and when I want, and for that, single player is amazing.
Not at all! I feel the opposite, I can't stand multiplayer games now with the screaming kids and the constant cheating in every online game.

Single player games are a joy, the Witcher was amazing, as well as the story and combat etc. I could just take a break and wander and enjoy the wonderful scenery, whenever I want, like in Skyrim. I find it much deeper than the run and gun and rinse and repeat of online.
I go from one to the other though generally thurs and sun are multiplayer with freinds I've been gaming with for 20 years, currently PUBG. Then other evenings unless someone messages me it's Single player games. Just finsihed PREY which was good and just started DOOM. Also got Farcry 5 on the go. PREY did have me going back every evening. RPG with guns though. DOOM is just a 'blaster' and does go back to the origianal concept well, just modern Graphics.
Im probably 95% multiplayer and 5 % singleplayer, I used to love playing games on my own with storys etc when I was younger, now they just don't hold my interest long no matter how good they are.

Couldn't get into witcher 3 at all, even though I enjoyed it at first it soon became boring and a choir to play, I did love skyrim but again didn't complete it, put around 80hrs into that game though which is massive for me on a single player game.

Much more into online gaming :) I find it feels more rewarding when you do well and if im loosing it dosnt annoy me as much lol
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