Struggling with new job [long rant/advice?]

Basically calm down and pace yourself. Its a marathon not a sprint.

This. Calm down. Ask for help when you need it, and learn.

Yes, you'll feel like you're being a pain to people with all the questions, but guess what? After a while... you won't need to ask any!

Chin up and work hard. :)
1. Google is your friend - just look up any acronyms you haven't heard of or just double check what you think is correct

2. Look at the queue of jobs needing fixing and see if you can find a low level fault that happens frequently - work out (ask) how you can fix it then every time it appears in the queue jump on it and get it done. Keep doing that working up to the harder issues and in a years time you will have enough down to be comfortable with that role.
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