STS-134 Shuttle Mission to the International Space Station Launches Monday 16th @ 13:56 BST

Back in time again showing Endeavour with people for a size comparison. One from December 1999 ahead of STS-99 and the other from April 2009 ahead of STS-127:



Back to the present. The faulty electrical distribution Load Control Assembly 2 (LCA-2) box has been replaced and forensic engineering testing is taking place on the faulty box. Testing of the new box will take place before managers meet tomorrow to give us a firm launch date.
Slightly off topic. A minutes silence in memory of Maria Motta, ISS Flight Engineer’s mother who passed away on May 2nd:

RIP :(

And on a lighter note 50 years ago on May 5th 1961 Alan Shepard became the first American in space:

Managers have met and said that the earliest Endeavour can now launch is Monday, May 16 at 13:56 BST (08:56 EDT). Work will continue testing/repairing the electrical circuitry.
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A brief update - The crew have just arrived to prepare for Monday’s launch. There is nothing else to report apart from saying that the countdown clock will start at 12:00 BST (07:00 EDT) tomorrow.

So while we wait a look back at Discovery’s last mission:

Take some time out to watch the great video and its comprehensive look at a complete mission to the ISS. Enjoy. :)
Yesterday's briefing:

The forecast is at 70% favourable conditions for launch on Monday.

The plan for today:

56...56...00...05:00 .....SRB PIC test
56...11...00...05:45 .....Master events controller pre-flight BITE test

53...56...00...08:00 .....Resume countdown

52...26...00...09:30 .....Fuel cell oxygen loading begins
49...56...00...12:00 .....Fuel cell oxygen load complete
49...56...00...12:00 .....Fuel cell hydrogen loading begins
47...26...00...14:30 .....Fuel cell hydrogen loading complete
46...26...00...15:30 .....Pad open; ingress white room

45...56...00...16:00 .....Begin 8-hour built-in hold

45...56...00...16:00 .....PRSD offload
44...56...00...17:00 .....Crew module clean and vacuum
41...56...00...20:00 .....Remove APU vent covers
40...56...00...21:00 .....SSME throat plug removal
39...26...00...22:30 .....OMBUU demate​


37...26...00...00:30 .....Countdown resumes

37...56...00...00:00 .....Main engine preps
37...56...00...00:00 .....MECs 1 and 2 on; avionics system checkout
34...56...00...03:00 .....FRCS Tyvek cover removal/inspect

31...26...00...06:30 .....Deflate RSS dock seals; tile inspection
30...56...00...07:00 .....Tile inspection
30...56...00...07:00 .....TSM prepped for fueling

29...56...00...08:00 .....Begin 13-hour 36-minute hold
All looking good for tomorrow:

The plan for today:

31...26...00...06:30 .....Deflate RSS dock seals; tile inspection
30...56...00...07:00 .....Tile inspection
30...56...00...07:00 .....TSM prepped for fueling

29...56...00...08:00 .....Begin 13-hour 36-minute hold

28...26...00...09:30 .....RSS rotation preps
28...26...00...09:30 .....OIS communications check with JSC
28...11...00...09:45 .....Crew weather briefing
27...36...00...10:20 .....JSC flight control team on station
26...56...00...11:00 .....L-1 engineering briefing
26...26...00...11:30 .....Comm activation
25...56...00...12:00 .....Crew module voice checks
24...56...00...13:00 .....Flight crew equipment late stow
20...56...00...17:00 .....RSS to park position
19...56...00...18:00 .....Final TPS, debris inspection
19...26...00...18:30 .....Ascent switch list

16...20...00...21:36 .....Resume countdown

16...00...00...21:56 .....Pad clear of non-essential personnel
16...00...00...21:56 .....APU bite test
15...10...00...22:46 .....Fuel cell activation
14...20...00...23:36 .....Booster joint heater activation​


13...50...00...00:06 .....MEC pre-flight bite test
13...35...00...00:21 .....Tanking weather update
12...50...00...01:06 .....Final fueling preps; launch area clear
12...20...00...01:36 .....Red crew assembled
11...35...00...02:21 .....Fuel cell integrity checks complete

11...20...00...02:36 .....Begin 2-hour built-in hold (T-minus 6 hours)

11...10...00...02:46 .....Safe-and-arm PIC test
10...32...00...03:24 .....Crew wakeup
10...20...00...03:36 .....External tank ready for loading
10...02...00...03:54 .....Mission management team tanking meeting
09...46...00...04:10 .....NASA TV fueling coverage begins

09...20...00...04:36 .....Resume countdown (T-minus 6 hours)

09...20...00...04:36 .....LO2, LH2 transfer line chilldown
09...10...00...04:46 .....Main propulsion system chill down
09...10...00...04:46 .....LH2 slow fill

08...40...00...05:16 .....LO2 slow fill
08...35...00...05:21 .....Hydrogen ECO sensors go wet
08...30...00...05:26 .....LO2 fast fill
08...20...00...05:36 .....LH2 fast fill
06...25...00...07:31 .....LH2 topping
06...20...00...07:36 .....LH2 replenish
06...20...00...07:36 .....LO2 replenish

06...20...00...07:36 .....Begin 2-hour 30-minute built-in hold (T-minus 3 hours)
Phew. My bribery of the engineer with the heat gun obviously worked. :p I'm now back home, with internet, and can watch the mission. \o/

Of course most of the good stuff will happen while I'm asleep or at work, but at least I'm in the country. :)

Slight problem - my internet will be disconnected before Endeavour lands. Hope to do something about that tomorrow.
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