Stuck at work! (9-5 my foot!)

8 Nov 2005
Oh the joys of virtual servers!
Backup you say? restore you say? CORRUPT I say!

Gotta get these two servers back up and running by tommorow morning, else people will be less than pleased!

Anyone else stuck at work at this ungodly hour?
aww crap, now I've got a black screen of death trying to boot from cd to reinstall in the repaired VMDK file..
Looks like I'll be installing the server from scratch!..
Adz said:
Make sure you mention in the interview how much bloody effort you're putting in for your current employers. Trust me, any employer would give their right arm for an employee who really goes the extra mile.

(Unless you're stuck there fixing your own ****-up :p)
Well it occured as a result of me moving data off a RAID array to rebuild it and copying it back. But as far as I could see the files I backed up were identical to the originals, so, depends how you look at it really :p
Cybermyk said:
It's like that in IT though. Last night I had to restart 300 servers in 4 countries, install an application to 4 data centres, run backups and fail over a Cluster. I was flat out from 9pm til 6am.

Tonight, I cleared a printer queue so far.
Lol I know the feeling, on friday I think the most I did was... wait.. I can't even remember doing ANYTHING on friday, that's a bit bad lol...
neoboy said:
You got your servers, just think of the job satisfaction when you fix them (or sleep you'll get when you fix them, whatever works for you).
Sleep, I like that idea.
Best not think too hard about it or I'll succumb :p
Lol this is just funny.
The software I need to reinstall the servers is locked in a cabinet.
The key to this cabinet is left in my draw.
I look, it's not there.
My manager probably has it, go to her office, LOCKED!
Not only that but I can SEE the goddamn keys through her window!
Picking the lock with a paperclip proved less than successful...

Anyone know how to pick locks?
Neither, I'm going to try and get the software running without reinstalling it :p (Like the ideas though!).
Plan B) Break down the door
Plan C) remove a floor tile and crawl under the raised floor
Plan D) Wait until a vaguely sensible time and give her a ring.
Plan E) Curl up in a ball and suck my thumb while rocking back and forth.

Personally I'm favouring E so far.
me227 said:
Picking a lock.

Get a screw driver and put it slightly into the key bit, and twist slightly, not to break it but just so you can feel it slightly turned.

Now get a small preferbly slightly flat thing, kind of like a flat paperclip. And feel your way inside the lock, there should be about five moveable thingys hanging from the top. Push these thingys up and they'll lock in place.

Then after that, get a large hammer and beat the door down til it's off its hinges. Most people say the first two bits are important but I believe they are.
lmao :D you had me going for a while 'n all!
manveruppd said:
Anyway, it's too late for b. so I suggest you make a scene when she gets in, preferably with several other people listening!
Seriously, it's bad enough that she's making you work overnight - you should make sure your efforts are appreciated.
The working over night thing is totally voluntary, she's a very lenient manager (generally pretty good too).
And I made sure I'm getting my credit too, sent out an email to the entire company apologising for the downtime, stressing how dedicated we were to solving the problem, and pointing out that I was sending this email from work at 4:30am :p
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