stuck between getting these two monitors

7 Oct 2010
Hi all, I dont know what to get from these two monitors. I will use them with a PC system which is primarily used for gaming.

LG Flatron W2261V-PF


Samsung SM2233RZ 22" 120Hz 3D

The LG monitor is cheaper and has a 1920x1080 resolution, where as the samsung has 1680x1050 resolution, but a 120hz refresh rate. Im aware that 120hz would allow for 3D, however, I dont think I will use 3D. Also the samsung is more expensive and really is the maximum im willing to spend. However a few people have said that the 120hz is still useful even when gaming in 2D.

So basically the queston is this. spend less and have a 1920x1080 resolution, or spend more, have a lower resolution but a 120hz refresh rate ?

I sold my lower res Samsung for a Higher Res Benq and regret it, the samsung had much better colour and overall picture quality. I would always go for samsung from now on if given the choice.
i have had the Samsung for almost a year now, needed a new montor and as i generaly replace them every 4-5 years i knew i would regret not going 120hz, as tom says great colour, every one of my freinds whom have tryed it comented on the smoothnes, only negative is no suport for 3d movies but thats no problem to me.
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