stuck in half-life 2 game! help!

29 Jul 2003
hi guys

i completed hl2 many times but for some reason i'm stuck there! i killed that flying thing but the gate wont open! i cant remember what i have to do!


Some bloke comes out and opens it for you, once you've fought off the Combine.

Was playing this recently via Synergy and the gate didn't open so I don't know if there's a bug in there somewhere.
Isn't that highway 17? I'm running through the hovercraft level at the mo, reinstalled from Steam cos I picked up episode 1 & 2 cheap when Freeman won.
Yeah, this part can be bugged :(

There's a guy just to your right that you need to talk to in order for him to open the door. Sometimes he just doesn't open it.

IIRC you will need to restart the entire battle - i.e. go back to a save before you enter that arena.
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