stuck in safe mode

18 Oct 2002
My mate asked me to sort his pc out, hes always getting viruses from dodgy sites and normally i sort it out no problem.
This time he had loads of viruses and i thought id sorted the roblem by virus scanning and deleting the infected files which were showing as cookies, there was also a program called newdotcom or something like that which was causing most of the problems with viruses, so i was able to uninstall that with an uninstall file within the folder, but the .dll file wouldnt delete, ive downloaded a prog to remove the .dll file and will use it tomorrow

The pc is stuck in safe mode, ive tried everything to get it into normal windows mode, presses f6 i think and selected normal windows boot and it just went back to safe mode again..

Any ideas ?

thanks for the reply, im pretty sure that "Boot from last known good config" was one of the options available when i hit f5 or f6 (cant remember), but that just took me back into safe mode again !
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