Student friendly in-ear phones

2 Oct 2007
Currently on my second pair of Sony Headphones (mdr-e829v). First pair last 5 months, these ones are starting to go wrong (left earphone goes and comes) after just 3. Luckily, when I brought them originally, I took out the 3 year replacement service thingy with the place I brought them from.

Was wondering if anyone could recomend a decent set of in-ear headphones, something that sounds good but more importantly will not die quickly when they are in my bag, pocket etc etc. Any ideas??

Don't want something too expensive, I am a student afterall!!!:rolleyes:
I have a couple of questions before making any suggestions. What's the maximum you're willing to spend here? Also, what sort of sound signature are you looking for: are you a bass head, or do you want something more neutral, for example?
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Um, not really willing to spend more than £30 to be honest, I think thats fair. More of a neutral when it comes to the sound, I use them in my ipod classic (and when the bass is turned up it doesn't sound very good) so just want them to sound as good or even better than the sony ones I've currently got.
I would've suggested either the Sennheiser CX300s or the Creative EP-630s (they're identical, by the way, except the former has a J-cable and the latter a Y-cable). However, both have a fair bit of bass emphasis, which can be muddy at times.

Then again, something like this might suit you fine having not tried anything further up the IEM scale.

One more question: have you tried canalphones before?
I definitely wouldn't recommend cx300 they are just bog standard sounding earphones maybe try the mylarone x3i available for £28 delivered.
I think the build quality issues are with the older models or first batches mine seem fine.
Bit hyped really like people say grado's have poor build quality well I dont think they can be beat for £28 sound quality wise anyway.
You're not really going to get anything that fantastic for £30 I'd say go for the mylarone and just treat them well although I hear the place that sells them has a great reputation for returns and replacements.
Anything for £30 or less from these shores isn't really going to impress you I had a pair of cx300 and wasn't impressed at all, most will sound about as good as default earphones.
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CX300 are much better than standard headphones, if they werent much of an improvement to you, then I wonder if you had a decent inner ear seal, as the bass capacity is if nothing else much stronger than headphones supplied with any player I've tried.
the cx300's are all bass. that doesnt really translate to quality. they are basically ex71's without a shirll topend. or more acurately, no top end at all. it's hard to recommend either of them when there are better earphones around for similar money
the cx300's are all bass. that doesnt really translate to quality. they are basically ex71's without a shirll topend. or more acurately, no top end at all. it's hard to recommend either of them when there are better earphones around for similar money

Aye, but thats why I wouldnt pay the full £30 for em :) for £15 they're not bad! There are much nicer headphones for about £35, but thats twice what I paid for the CX, and they sound good enough for most of the rock and metal I have :)
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[ZiiP]carrot;11350594 said:
I had a pair of white philips ones (think they're still in the Argos book) and they didn't actually fit my ear, kept on falling out.

This was probably due to the size of the tips used. It's important to use ones large enough so the IEMs achieve a good seal. You may want to experiment with foamies or something to get a better fit when you get some new IEMs. However, these typically aren't as convenient as silicone tips when inserting/removing them.
Shure e2c if you can find them. They be discontinued now, so nice n' cheap. Mine cost me £60 new, but can be had for half that these days if you look around.

I went from Shure E2C to Sennheiser CX300's, the CX300's are much better than the E2C's.

I was just annoyed that I paid £40 for the E2C's and £17 for the CX300's when the latter was so much better.

CX300's were also leaps more comfortable.
I never tried the E2Cs, but the Senn CX300s were just horrible. Painful highs, bloated bass. Tried both Creative EP630 and Senn CX300, both were exactly the same (some on Head-Fi thought they had different drivers, etc).

Sorry, couldn't suggest anything in that price range from personal experience, but for me a definite no-no for the CX300/EP630.
The mylarone x3i earphones look horrible and uncomfortable(hard tips)
Do you get foam pads with them?

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