Student Loans

20 Jul 2008
Anyone here on a maintanence loan?
I just logged onto their website and something really angered me.

They pay the same amount for this term (the longest) and the next term. Yet for the summer term they pay about £100 more.
The summer term is 3 weeks of teaching and 4 weeks of exams, during the latter 4 weeks of exams you spend virtually nothing because most of your time is dedicated to revising. By contrast, our first term is 12 weeks including Freshers Week where virtually everyone goes a bit wild with the spending on alcohol.

So which complete and utter cretin came up with the idea to pay more in the summer term. Furthermore do they not realise bills (heating etc) are MUCH higher in the first 2 terms. I really don't understand why the people who make these decisions are such clueless morons.

Bit of a rant really but are you a student? Do you agree/disagree?
I'd imagine its higher because you spend the last bit of the year revising and doing exams therefore you dont have time for a part time job
Firstly, don't use heating as student - it's a mug's game.

Secondly, are you sure? My maintenance payments for 1st and 2nd terms are about £300 more than the last term.

And the maintenance loan is to do as you please - I know someone that stuck it all on red in the first week on roulette...
I don't think the student loan is designed to be spent on alcohol mate :S

It's designed to support (or provide entirely) living expenses whilst studying. Drinking alcohol is a form of socialising/entertainment. Living expenses in any situation should include an amount of leisure.

I'm not saying you're meant to turn the entire loan into Vodka, but one should expect a proportion of that loan to be spent on having fun - one way to do so is to go out/drink with mates..
I'd imagine its higher because you spend the last bit of the year revising and doing exams therefore you dont have time for a part time job

What you spending the money on though? If you're spending 4 weeks working hard for exams you're not going to be spending much on leisure/other activities.

Firstly, don't use heating as student - it's a mug's game.

Secondly, are you sure? My maintenance payments for 1st and 2nd terms are about £300 more than the last term.

And the maintenance loan is to do as you please - I know someone that stuck it all on red in the first week on roulette...

I am sure mate. I agree with you on the heating but we're in a small house this year and up in Newcastle it is arctic temperatures.
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Mine all used to be completely equal, actually. Still, the way the semesters worked up here, by the time my third instalment arrived, I was finishing my last exams, so it basically funded my Summer instead ;)
I get slightly more for the last term, they told us it was to help cover some of summer expenses - i.e. some people have to pay half rent over summer etc. x
If you are complaining that you dont have enough to spend on alcohol then you have it easy.
With my student loan (all i get) it will not cover the cost of my accommodation.
I'm fine because I worked all summer and saved up but I just think it's stupid. My flatmates are really struggling, can't do anything and we just all think it seems a bit ridiculous.
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