Stuff for idiots

24 Oct 2012
We've all seen that magic USB stick which blocks 5G or whatever and probably also has a few gigs of storage for free, but this has raised an interesting topic on another forum I frequent and wanted to bring it here.

Here for example is a review of a certain audiophile product:

I have pretty much every mains device Russ sells, about £6000 worth of boxes and cables...and I still heard an improvement!! I fitted one internally to my CD player as well as the plug. My impressions: Music is much more listenable, clear, spacious and bass has serious heft, volume can go LOUD without distortion, so live albums are intoxicating, especially through headphones. I also spared a thought for the passion and integrity that goes into the products...Thank you most sincerely Russ.

Let's see who can guess what the product is :D

No? No one? It's a £25 plug top fuse.

And in that spirit, what else can you lot find?

I once spent £85 on a Monster HDMI cable fagedaboudit
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wtf are these? surely people dont buy them??

I particularly like how they remind you that you should put a SmartDOT on all your devices, for example your laptop and your router, in case you were stupid enough to think just the one £25 SmartDOT on your laptop would be enough to alter your electro-stress levels.
Given how sensitive some "audiophiles" claim to be to minor changes to electronics I'm surprised they're not all going around dressed like this:

The anti-5G USB stick though :confused: anyone who bought that needs to be sectioned.

And these people that buy £25 fuses do they realise that their houses and mains supply are not wired with 99.999999% pure copper infused with enchanted unicorn crap? But what ever floats your boat I guess these people are throwing money at an obsession rather than doing it with any logic - we all do it to some degree.
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The reviews on the fuses are great. Amazing people can be so 'into' audio while not learning enough about it to undestand how it works. Same with all the people with the snazzy hdmi cables.
Weird flex, but ok :confused:

(tbh they probably only need to sucker in one customer a month to keep the lights on)

It's not a flex but I thought they are well known, well, if you ever step foot inside any HiFi Audi forums, there are 2 camps about them, there are people who swear they work!
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