Stupid password rules

This doesn't make sense. People trying to crack passwords don't spend ages researching you and what you like. They try and crack your password by trying as many attempts as possible, so that password will be strong simply based on the fact that they would have to try millions of addresses in order to get to that password.

The common scenario is a leaked database in which case they aren't trying to brute force one individual. Rather they are trying billions of combinations and seeing if any of the hashed or encrypted passwords match. When they do, add that user to the pile. That's why it's so important that organizations properly secure the passwords in their databases. As mrbell says, brute forcing through the normal log in front-end is usually not possible because it's super-slow and implements a lock out every X failed attempts.

Not that I'm saying there are never targeted attacks to brute force specific individual's passwords. But you usually need the stolen database records to do this. Hence spear phishing which attempts to trick the targeted user into revealing the credentials. You'd be amazed at what the Chinese will do to pursue a valued target. Days spent researching them online, impersonating friends, going through entire social media histories, all to get a complete file of useful information - old pets, ex girlfriends, where they went to school, list of friends to impersonate. If you're worth someone's while, then a few days searching and profiling you is nothing. Those "Where did you go to school" and "Mother's Maiden Name" security questions? I hate them. Lie, always lie!

That's not a brute force attack.

Possibly pointless fighting over terminology but it is still a brute force attack. If it contains hashes (hopefully not) or encrypted passwords (hopefully yes), then you're running through billions of iterations trying to find what matches and that's what brute forcing is. It doesn't only apply to trying to do that through the front-end.
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What if you get a hold of a leaked database, then presumably you could brute force the password to a specific user, which may give you access to that account if they haven't changed it, or expose a password pattern that they use to allow you access to other accounts.

Well a leaked database is a big breach not 1 password that's been brute forced. Completely different kind of security issues there if that happens.
My information is all fake when it comes to that stuff. That kind of security shouldn't be used. Remember MSN Messenger password resets? It was exactly that. Guessable information.
I always assumed it was some government initiative to make gaining entry to people's accounts 1000x easier for them :p

Those security questions - if answered with correct details - make your accounts much much less secure. I hope most people can see that a mile off.
Isn't it the same concept, only with an algorithm to combine strings instead of an algorithm to combine characters (in billions of different combinations).
What if you get a hold of a leaked database, then presumably you could brute force the password to a specific user, which may give you access to that account if they haven't changed it, or expose a password pattern that they use to allow you access to other accounts.

The key difference is that, in simple terms, a brute force attack involves trying every possible combination while a dictionary attack involves having a list of words to try. How can you possibly consider going through a finite, non-complete, leaked list of passwords (aka a dictionary) be anything other than the latter?

I think you've misread or misunderstood the post.

He was talking about performing a brute force attack against an encrypted password in a leaked database (eg removing the front-end limitations of speed, limit on incorrect tries, etc) and then when discovered, using that password against other sites where that user might have an account.
So I'm a little confused about the new claim that 4 dictionary words isn't as strong as the XKCD comic makes out, I was under the impression that pass phrases like that were the way to go these days. It actually makes sense that it could get cracked relatively easily using a dictionary word combination attack though I suppose.

Pass phrases are OK, people misunderstand that XKCD comic... an easy to remember long passphrase is fine. It doesn't have to be 4 words, you could use 5 or 6 if you like.

One point people tend to miss is the use of random words, see for example the blog post below:

1- Yep, that XKCD comic is woefully out of date, and it makes me chuckle everytime it's used. It uses an extremely naive (or "pure" if you prefer) viewpoint on password strength but that is often an issue with mathematicians such as with XKCD's author. More info here:

Now that blog post gives examples like: "iloveyousomuch" and "i hate hackers" etc.. those clearly aren't random words.
Who cares what the password is if you have 2 factor auth?

Every service on the planet should have 2fa in 2019.

Or as Google is currently working on, eliminate the password altogether and rely on biometrics/localised password store for one password to rule the all for logins into websites/services/apps etc.
10whitechurchlane takes longer to crack than 1@£hUb833_

17 trillion years vs 6 years
In fairness that does depend on if the cracker is using basic characters or full set. I.E if it's only using basic char set (lower case + upper case + numbers) then 10whitechurchlane will be cracked extremely easily compared to how long it takes a cracker running extended set to crack 1@£hUb833_

Not that it matters either way, it's not 1997 and brute force attacks on login servers simply don't work anymore (unless it's an NT server 4.0 machine or something...) as the server will blacklist the IP after a handful of attempts.

Who cares what the password is if you have 2 factor auth?
People who hate 2fa?

Seriously why should I have to have that nonsense wasting my time just because some other people need their hands holding when using the internet? >.>
I'm still vary of longer passwords. I remember cPanel years ago only recognising the first 8 letters of a password. So if you had set a password with 12 letters you could still log in by only entering the first 8 letters.
Arbitrary password schemes annoy me.

At work we use a single sign on system, so the password requires that you must have a capital, a symbol, a number (fairly standard) but it must begin and end with a letter. Everyone I've spoke to gets around this by chucking an "a" at the end of whichever password they've chosen. When the 90 day refresh rolls around they just change "a" to "b" and keep the same password :o

Sounds like GE SSO, I also change the last letter of mine every time.
This is a great move, surely it could be implemented with a USB device for PCs? Most phones and tablets can read a fingerprint already and I log in to a few apps with it. If it's secure enough for the bank, then surely fingerprint technology is secure enough for Amazon etc..?

Passwords should be extinct soon.

NatWest trials fingerprint debit cards to remove £30 limit
I guess password rules help with situations like this:


Who can 'hack' his password from the gif? :D
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