Stupid php/brain failing me

24 Nov 2002
38.744281°N 104.846806°W
I've written the following to highlight search terms:

function highlight($text, $t, $q){

if ($q == "and") {
$array = explode(", ", $t);
	foreach ($array as &$value){
	$text = str_replace(strtolower($value), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtolower($value) . "</span>", $text);
	$text = str_replace(strtoupper($value), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtoupper($value) . "</span>", $text);
***	return $text;
		$text = str_replace(strtolower($t), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtolower($t) . "</span>", $text);
		$text = str_replace(strtoupper($t), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtoupper($t) . "</span>", $text);
		return $text;

$t is the search term, now this can be a comma seperated list (if q = and it is csv), hence the explode. However, only the first 'exploded' item is highlighted.

I'm too tired to spot my mistake, but I think it's by ***.

Any ideas?
Well, it works actually.

However, it'll only work for the first row of results, not the second.

$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error, query failed');
$num =  mysql_num_rows($result);
echo "results found: " . $num;
echo "<br><hr><br>";
while($rows = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) 
echo "<b>gc</b><br>";
echo [B]highlight($rows['gc'], $t, $q)[/B];

I've no idea why it won't work for the subsequent rows.


furnace said:
dont you want $array = explode(", ", $t) to be exploding the $text rather than the search term?

No, I want to explode the search term, as it could be "cats, dogs"...
Your str_replace's strlower and strupper...

By doing it that way, you cant search for "Cat" - only "CAT" or "cat"..

Does this make any difference?

function highlight($text, $term, $isCSV=false){

		$words = explode(", ",$term);
		foreach ($words as $wordNum => $word){
			$output=str_replace($word, "<span class=\"highlight\">".$word."</span>", $output);
		$output=str_replace($term, "<span class=\"highlight\">".$term."</span>", $output);

	return $output;


I'm tired too, too lazy to test that so sorry if it just errors or something :o

edit; apologies if I've misunderstood again, I really can't think straight right now
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furnace said:
lol, cant complain though! :p

Sorry I was too lazy to test before posting ;) But glad it helped
I managed to take out the 'if' alltogether...

Apparently if you try and explode with a character not in the string it'll keep it as a string - handy!

Cheers for your help.. I guess making contingency plans (the if statement) wasn't needed... :)
furnace said:
but what if you want to search for something with a comma in it? it'd explode it, but it might only be one term? if you have an if you can explicitly say "this is one term" :) just food for thought!
Alright smarty pants, I sorted it.

I sitll have no idea why $q didn't work though, in the end I called the var directly ($_POST["query"]).

Cheers for all your help.

$term = someSanitiseFunc($_GET['someTerm']);
define('TERM', $term);

function highlight($arr)
	return str_replace(TERM, '<span class="highlight">' . TERM . '</span>', $arr);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))
	$highlighted = array_map('highlight', $row);
	// Yada yada

Just another method—a lot cleaner IMO—which you can work case sensitivity and CSV support into.
psyr33 said:
Just another method—a lot cleaner IMO—which you can work case sensitivity and CSV support into.

I think I'll just stick with what I have for now, though:
function highlight($text, $t){
if (anti_sql_injct($_POST["query"]) == "and") {
$array = explode(", ", $t);
	foreach ($array as &$value){
	$text = str_replace(strtolower($value), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtolower($value) . "</span>", $text);
	$text = str_replace(strtoupper($value), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtoupper($value) . "</span>", $text);
	$text = str_replace(ucfirst(strtolower($value)), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . ucfirst(strtolower($value)) . "</span>", $text);
$value = $t;
	$text = str_replace(strtolower($value), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtolower($value) . "</span>", $text);
	$text = str_replace(strtoupper($value), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . strtoupper($value) . "</span>", $text);
	$text = str_replace(ucfirst(strtolower($value)), "<span class=\"highlight\">" . ucfirst(strtolower($value)) . "</span>", $text);
return $text;

Ahhh.... long-winded... :)
jdickerson said:

Mwahhahaha :D
Sadly, not really fixed! :(

Replaced everything with:

function highlight($text, $term){
$term = str_replace(",", "", $term);
$exploded_terms = explode(" ", $term);

	foreach ($exploded_terms as &$singleterm){
    $singleterm = '(.*)('.$singleterm.')(.*)';
    $text = eregi_replace($singleterm, '\1<span class="highlight">\2</span>\3', $text);
return $text;
But, for some reason if the search terms were "egg bacon beans chicken", not all of the terms will be highlighted. Well, some of each will be highlighted, but not all.

This can be avoided by replacing (.*) with (.?)..... but that will cause a different error....

Any pointers?
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