Stupid PS2 Powersupply

9 Nov 2004
thought i'd take my PS2 appart to give it a good clean out (i do this maybe twice a year as it gets pretty dusty in there... poor blighter)...

i also wanted to see what connection the fan on the back used (wanted to possibly get a quiter fan...)... it uses 2pins...

pulled it apart... cleaned it out... put it back together, switched it on... red/green lights didn't come on so i couldn't turn it on...

i take it back apart touch the powersupply... AAAARGGH...
nice little jolt there... :(

any ideas on how big of a shock i just got... was enough to get a pretty big tingling sensation in my right arm for a few minutes.

anyone else had any blunders like this before?
Jeezus, no. I'd never bother messing about like that...i doubt it'll ever get THAT dusty to cause it to stop working.

Although it sounds like you've done a pretty good job or sorting that! :eek:

The PS2 is near silent..why would you bother messing like that? Crazy! :)

I think you should rename the thread 'stupid nikebee' :p ;)
nikebee said:
ps2 silent? :eek:

no where near it at all...
you're having a laugh surely?
Maybe he means the slim type? or his fans broke :D.

I once got a huge shock off a extenal cd-r enclosure. It was the old type with an internal psu and a three pin socket. It hurt :o.
Phnom_Penh said:
Maybe he means the slim type? or his fans broke :D.

I once got a huge shock off a extenal cd-r enclosure. It was the old type with an internal psu and a three pin socket. It hurt :o.
never had one of an external drive before... and yeah, mine isn't a slimline.. its an original PS2... V4 model... so pretty old :p
Ouch, PSU shocks sound nasty. Luckily the closest I've ever come was with a broken camera. I took it apart but forgot about the battery. Zap! Tingly fingers :(

My 10000 series PS2 isn't silent but its hardly loud, unlike the 360 with a game playing inside!
well just put it back together... and thought i'd blown it completely...
then i realised i hadn't plugged in part of the SoundStations TV connector :o

all seems to work fine now, fan is much quieter... must have been the dust.

DVD-drive is still loud when it seeks... does that annoying *HISS* thing last for a split second but is repeated until whatever it is doing is loaded.
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