Stupid vs films you'd like to see made

EasyG said:
bruce lee vs jackie chan (both in their primes!)

Already been done! Bruce Lee broke Jackie Chan's neck in 'Enter the Dragon'. :)

Now, Jet Li Vs. Bruce Lee would definately be something to behold.
Terminator v Aliens v Predator.

Incredible Hulk v Fantastic 4

Alternative reality script with Star Trek Federation teaming with Battlestar Galatica v Cylons
The Blob Vs Flubber
"It's wobbling time!"

Charlies Angels V's The Man with the X-ray Eyes ;)
"Good Morning, Angels!"

EDIT: Now with poster strap lines/
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tony jaa vs chow yung fat

who ever wins, people get ****** up

these things need captions for sure
I think Tony Jaa would kick anybody's arse to hell and back again.

One that I'd love to see would be Batman Vs Superman. Theoretically, Superman should beat the living stuffing out of Batman.. But... ;)
Azagoth said:
Alien Vs. Michael Moore


The Cube Vs. Michael Moore

That Alien vs ... has huge potential.

Alien vs Star Trek (That should give the series a bit of a edge. Maybe it'll stop off and wipe out the occupants of Deep Space Nine, instantly making it watchable!)

Alien vs Ewoks (That'll teach 'em for ruining Return of the Jedi. :D)
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