stupid xbox 360 headset question

1 Jun 2006
ok im thick

how do i know if my headset is working ?

is there talk buttons within the games or just a general button that works on all live games ?

i get the feeling im jabbering away to myself in fight night 3 and pgr
pgr3 will display a speaker logo when you talk

or you could record a message on LIVE for someone, then play it back, that would give you an indication
If you are jabbering away to someone when playin FN3 for example, it is probably them not having a headset on that means they aren't talking.
there talking to me but i dont know if they can hear me

had the same thing on bf2 before except it seemed nobody could talk

just wish there was some inbuilt thing to test it

wedgie22 said:
If you are jabbering away to someone when playin FN3 for example, it is probably them not having a headset on that means they aren't talking.
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