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Sub par performance from 5820k?

5 Feb 2012
Hey guys. Just swapped out my 4790k for a 5820k. I was hoping the 5820k would come very close in gaming. Well its not. Its massively under performing.

For instance in BF3 I used to get a locked 200FPS with the 4790k

With the 5820k its dipping to around 100FPS. So I'm guessing something is not quite right?

5820k @ 4.2
4790k @ 4.4

I tried disabling hyper threading but no joy. Any advice would be great.

have you checked temps? what cpu cooler are you using? check that the cooler is making decent contact with the cpu and might be worth checking that the cooler has not been over tightened as this can cause issues.
Something very odd there. Recently made the same move, 4790k at 4.7 to a 5820k at 4.5. Fps in bf3 and 4 is virtually identical. Ht on both enabled.
Performance should be pretty much the same in single thread stuff at those similar clock speeds. Something doesnt seem right.
Thanks guys and setter that is good to know! I don't think I've set the ram up properly. The cpu is game stable at 1.05v at 4.2 which seems like very low volts. Idle at 28c with noctua u14s and load in game 48c.

If I enable xmp for the ram it wants to change the base clock from 100 to 125. Shall I reset bios and enable xmp on the ram?
What speed is the ram rated at? I have 3000mhz ram, and yes with XMP set the strap does change to 125. So you use a lower multi when clocking, ie 34x125.
All boards will default to 125 strap with ram of 2666mhz or above. Anything lower and the strap is set to 100.
So using XMP

overclocked to 4.25ghz using 34x125

BF3 TDM GPU details on low and about 20 people on server its dropping below 100 still. If I turn up the details to ultra it drops into the 60s.

Most of the cores show bounce around between 10%-40% usage. Temps always under 45c. high usage seems to jump from core to core.

Will test some other games in a bit.
CSGO TDM standard vavle server spraying the Negev it goes down to like 90 fps with everything set to low at 1920 x 1080.

In tunnels it hits 300

Just going to clean install GPU drivers again to rule that out
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970 reference.

Weirdly I don't know if its tied to the frames dropping but the mouse cursor feels terrible in game as well. Like almost a little jerky and random with tonnes of smoothing.

Driver install didn't work. Little stuck now on what to tweak.
See how a driver update goes, I used 670 sli at 1920x1200 in bf3, on max settings iirc it averaged in the 90's. Pretty similair in performance to a 970 as I later moved to a 780 which is close to a 970.
Yeah still no joy. also what's this...it looks high yet no other monitoring software pics it up.

So yeah just played bf4 and its not nearly as smooth as my 4790k set-up. Just feels very off to play. I was it was probably buggered rather then this sort of weird half way thing LOL
Yeah I can...I just didn't want to when I built it as it thought I'd give it a little more room from the CPU heatsink. Could this be the issue?> please let it be the issue! :o
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