Sudden huge problems with new PC, need help diagnosing.

Well, I'm back, worked fine for two days, turned it on this morning and getting BSODs, square artifacting, Cyberpunk won't launch without the system crashing and running OCCT's stability test causes it to stop after less than a minute and the screen to go black.

Try taking out the GPU and swapping in a lesser GPU.
Square artifacting would suggest the GPU isn't working correctly, you could check your PSU, find what voltages it's doing idle and what it drops under load, but artifacting on screen isn't a great sign of GPU health
So, finally got a chance to look at a blue-screen and it was giving a DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION error. This seems to imply a driver or software issue, but I don't know if it could be caused by those drivers interacting with faulty hardware.

The whole system is brand new and it worked for quite a while before there were any issues so it feels weird for it to be a purely driver issue, there aren't really that many added drivers to the system, if you know what I mean.
Windows either hangs right after starting or won't even boot any more. I get the motherboard startup stuff then just a stutter-y loading circle forever.
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