Suggest a game for me and my misses!

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
We're looking for something to play together, ideally RPG.

We've played Diablo III, Guild Wars 2, Borderlands, Torchlight, Path of Exile and WoW (private vanilla before it got shut down).

Any suggestions?
By play together do you mean co-op? If so then Divinity Original Sin is worth checking out. Although it's not quite an RPG The Division may fit the bill as it's quite similar to Borderland in some respects.

If you mean sit together and play an RPG then I'd suggest checking out the Mass Effect Trilogy.
Look no further than Divinity Original sin! excellent RPG with great story.


We've sunk 10 hours into it so far. So much FUN! We love the pacing and the combat. Also, we really love the fact we can both seperate, taking a second character with us and do seperate stuff. Making town and quests a joy. I handle the 2 melee characters, she handles the 2 mages.

It's truly an amazing coop experience.
We've sunk 10 hours into it so far. So much FUN! We love the pacing and the combat. Also, we really love the fact we can both seperate, taking a second character with us and do seperate stuff. Making town and quests a joy. I handle the 2 melee characters, she handles the 2 mages.

It's truly an amazing coop experience.

I struggled to get into the combat when I played with my Mrs, but I will give it another go after the witcher is finished!
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