A lot of younger people have no idea what it is. I asked a work experience girl what she thought it was and she said a SIM card. It's completely irrelevant to today's userbase.
arrow pointing to a folder is the most obvious to me.
This is the general logic of standards organisations though isn't it lol.So you want to make it even more inconsistent by trying to push a new symbol?
It's not about some people recognise it or not, when you try to introduce a new symbol, NOBODY will recognise it. As opposed to at least some people recognise a disc icon. See where i am getting at?
You are having to educate the ENTIRE world of a new symbol, and trying to push that everywhere, as opposed to some people this old symbol.
Haven't seen cash in years so already redundantFor retro vibes how about a piggybank or I have seen a bank vault before.
A hard drive or memory chip seems the obvious choice though!
Magnifying glass, paperclip, flip calendar, drawing pin, camera.And as for the envelope icon for email...
what about a solid black Tetraskelion over a solid white circle with a nice red background..... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooo