Suggest me a game to play …

Elite Dangerous in VR is great fun, also makes it unfair playing against non VR users in dog fights, the ability to look up through the top window in your ship etc makes tracking and keeping an enemy in sight a lot easier.

Project cars, sat on a grid with a bunch of other motors, heavy thunderstorm pounding away and a force feedback wheel, very immersive.

Moss is a great game too but think its available natively now on the quest and not just as a PC title.
Elite Dangerous in VR is great fun, also makes it unfair playing against non VR users in dog fights, the ability to look up through the top window in your ship etc makes tracking and keeping an enemy in sight a lot easier.

Index users get an advantage over others too, as the vertical FOV and edge-to-edge clarity of the lenses means it's even easier to track enemies without having to move your head a lot. :D
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