Suggested fun first big bike?

Well done.

You've picked 2 contrasting bikes, that share the same base engine (Tiger stroke increased to get to 799 cc), and depending on what you want from a bike they're both good.
Passed my mod 2 :) Now to check the localish triumph dealer (three cross in Ringwood) is happy to allow test rides, hopefully of street triple and tiger 800.

Fantastic! Thats my local Triumph dealer as well. I was hoping that I could get a few test rides

Congrats on the pass :)
Fantastic! Thats my local Triumph dealer as well. I was hoping that I could get a few test rides

Congrats on the pass :)

Thanks. Going there tomorrow morning - they said they're happy to give test rides but not in the wet, and their insurance only covers 25 year-olds and over, and they need licence and counterpart (or for me as I won't have the updated licence card for 3 weeks they're happy with mod 1&2 certificates plus passport).
One thing to remember about the 2 bikes you want to test ride is don't judge the Tiger's engine against the Striple engine even though they're basically the same lump. They are set up for different styles of bike and the Tiger engine isn't as "fun" as the Striples. If you wanted a more upright/Adventure/longer range bike the Tiger is a great bike (no I'm not on commission, I just think the Tiger 800 is a great bike for more things than the Striple is).

If I could have a Striple as well I would (actually if I could have 2 bikes I'd probably have a Bonnie as well as my Tiger but I do like the Striple).
One thing to remember about the 2 bikes you want to test ride is don't judge the Tiger's engine against the Striple engine even though they're basically the same lump. They are set up for different styles of bike and the Tiger engine isn't as "fun" as the Striples. If you wanted a more upright/Adventure/longer range bike the Tiger is a great bike (no I'm not on commission, I just think the Tiger 800 is a great bike for more things than the Striple is).

If I could have a Striple as well I would (actually if I could have 2 bikes I'd probably have a Bonnie as well as my Tiger but I do like the Striple).

That's what I'm expecting tbh - the tiger to be more comfy, handle rough roads better but not handle quite so well or be as exciting. I'd not considered the triple as I thought it'd be too small for me, but apparently it's not too bad for taller riders.
I tried the standard street triple and tiger 800 today - surprisingly the street triple fit me fine - my legs slotted in nicely to the fuel tank, brakes were great, acceleration was instant and handled really nicely. The bike I tried had the flyscreen on and it felt okay at up to around 70mph - juat like a slight pressure on my torso without buffeting.

The tiger handled really well for such a tall bike. Acceleration seemed almost as quick but with a slight delay and the engine felt less twitchy - I found it easier to keep a steady speed and control in town traffic. The seat was really comfy, the suspension did a better of soaking up small potholes and imperfections. There was a bit of turbulence around my neck and helmet above about 50mph.

Overall both brilliant bikes for what they are but I think I'd value the excitement from the street triple more than the comfort of the tiger. The tiger felt a bit too tall. I wish they had a fazer style half fairing option for the striple!
With the Tiger turbulence it will depend on the screen fitted to the bike you rode. If it had the stock screen you may as well stick a jet engine on the front of the bike to blow air into your face. If it had the adjustable touring screen then that is better and I can do motorway speeds without any real issue.
Yeah it looks like there's loads of aftermarket screens available so no doubt could get one that works well were I to get one. It was much more responsive than I was expecting after reading reviews of it, and it did seem like a great bike. The striple just seemed more responsive and agile, and for what I'd be using it for I think I'd value that more.
I'm sure you will ignore this advice, but don't be in a rush to jump straight to a large capacity bike. There are some cracking smaller bikes on the market at the moment and they can be so much more fun. The KTM 390 for example (Duke or RC) - that's where my money would be going
I'm sure you will ignore this advice, but don't be in a rush to jump straight to a large capacity bike. There are some cracking smaller bikes on the market at the moment and they can be so much more fun. The KTM 390 for example (Duke or RC) - that's where my money would be going

They're great little bikes, but the OP is 6ft 2/3in, and if I remember correctly when I sat on a duke (can't remember what size engine, one of the smaller ones, either a 690 or 390) it was tiiiiiiiiiiiny!! Don't think I'd want to be doing a 17 mile each way commute on one like the Op will be doing.

As a weekend toy, then that's another matter of course. ;)

If the OP wanted a lower power machine then you can pick up an NC700/750s or X for a decent price, although they're 750cc they're only 54bhp, just 10bhp more than the KTM390. In fact they're a perfect commuter (80mpg), but nowhere near as fun as other bikes. Dead easy to ride though.
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Monkey puzzle, did a guy with a shaved head and black bike jacket ask if you were going to test ride the street? I may have found myself at the same place this morning :)
Nah I went over there on a whim with the mrs and my son. I will be going back there with a helmet, just dont know if I want to do it now or when the weather picks up
That's what I'm expecting tbh - the tiger to be more comfy, handle rough roads better but not handle quite so well or be as exciting. I'd not considered the triple as I thought it'd be too small for me, but apparently it's not too bad for taller riders.

I debated the same and went with the Street Triple, but motorcycling is a passion and you buy with your heart. I fell in love with the ST when I rode it!
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