Suits for fat blokes

Hugo boss make some good suits.
Try there website.
My i ask, this need to look neat and moden doesnt have anything to do with the M3 does it? :p

EDIT Ill do the leg work, you stay seated :p heres the site
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Nismo said:
Wont your tailor have some sort of idea of whats 'current'?

not really , he tends to do stuff for American politicians / diplomats etc ( George Bush / John Kerry etc ) so, while his quality is superb he is not at the cutting edge of fashion

In the past I have given him pics from catalogues ( Hugo Boss ) etc and then he makes then up in the same style
Rotty said:
not really , he tends to do stuff for American politicians / diplomats etc ( George Bush / John Kerry ) so, while his quality is superb he is not at the cutting edge of fashion

In the past I have given him pics from catalogues ( Hugo Boss ) etc and then he makes then up in the same style

Just ask him what he makes for john prescott? ;)
Phog said:
Lol Brynn! :D

What watch do you want to style it around, then we can work from there. :)

I tend to wear a Rolex whenever I wear a suit , most of my others wouldn't fit inder the sleeve :eek: :p
Found a suit yet rotty?
Try some other designer brands if u didnt like hugoboss. It might aswell be a copy of a designer :p
Nothing yet , I do like Boss ( have loads of Boss ) stuff but as a coiuple of folks have said the website is shocking
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