Summarise Aion for me...

So I felt compelled having just tried Aion to warn others, or prepare them at least.

I could write a few paragraphs as to why you shouldn't expect much from it but I'll stay short and sweet. If you've played WoW, then technically Aion will be a step backwards for you. The screenshots look pretty but in reality the graphics are dated, it feels very rough around the edges and while the concept might be refreshing the foundations it's built on are like quicksand and stop it from even getting off the ground.

I'd say that unless you loved Lineage 2 and that type of Korean mmo (for the concept, yes I know it's not a complete mob grindfest), or are really desperate for a new storyline, scene and timesink, the sparkle from Aion will dull incredibly quickly.
Ironically i actually think it has pretty decent foundations to be a decent pvp mmo. Its got quite a few similarities with daoc which is good for me. I am not overly fussed about graphics, as both uo and daoc looked worse than wow but were far better mmos imo. Theres a bit of a grind but nowhere near the grind that daoc had in its early days and that grind is addressed to a degree in the 1.5 version. I guess some people might consider it a step back from wow, but then i think wow took mmos in the wrong direction anyway. Its all personal tastes
Ironically i actually think it has pretty decent foundations to be a decent pvp mmo.

Definately not, this was my main gripe. It's too gimmicky, too 'arcadey', too shallow. I was dueling as a gladiator against a mage, I was shocked to discover while the sweet OTT animation of my special attack was being pulled off, I couldn't move?! The game had rooted me while I attacked, and because I was spinning around in the air as I slammed my weapon down for pitiful damage the mage simply ran away and by the time I'd finished he was just about done charging up a spell. It seemed broken.

It feels like a cheap burger - it works, but once you've had steak that burger seems a whole lot cheaper.
Definately not, this was my main gripe. It's too gimmicky, too 'arcadey', too shallow. I was dueling as a gladiator against a mage, I was shocked to discover while the sweet OTT animation of my special attack was being pulled off, I couldn't move?! The game had rooted me while I attacked, and because I was spinning around in the air as I slammed my weapon down for pitiful damage the mage simply ran away and by the time I'd finished he was just about done charging up a spell. It seemed broken.

It feels like a cheap burger - it works, but once you've had steak that burger seems a whole lot cheaper.

well as i say, different tastes. I enjoyed the pvp in uo more than most modern mmos and that mmo didnt even have special attacks. One persons gravy is another persons sauce
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