Damn, It would be really nice to get that :)

I've bought a new PC recently (all but a GPU.. go no money yet :P) So I'm still using my old 5850 by ATI :P

Would be rather nice if I'd get that 780 :>
over the past year i've changed: The mobo, CPU, Ram, Case, PSU, cables, SSD.. yet im still stuck on a GTS 450 for the future. Damn GPU's are expensive and If I dont win the comp (Wish id taken more time on the entry after seeing other's) then Im going to try and find the £200 odd for the 670 since the price is now epic on them!
If you pick the winner(s), take their IPs and use code @ your website to display some banner "you won today !" at the top of OcUK page for choosen winner(s) only :)
Hmm, when messages are sent to each user of the forum, are they sent to your email address? 'cos I can't find any 'messages' thing on my profile.
OK guys, second stage to the competition. Looking through the results, myself, KFA2 & NVIDIA had a tough time coming down to the final 2 purely because there have been so many good entries - but we can't give it to everyone. We have decided however to add some runners up prizes we will announce after to people who put hard work and dedication into this competition.

The following two forum members have been selected for their entries:

For a brilliant structured video featuring my favourite game.

For pure chilled gamer style and showing how easy it is to grab a beer.

We flipped a coin between the two contenders and Joegy will get the choice for either BIN A or BIN B.

It's a 50/50 chance of you might get, but we need to give the honour of the choice to someone.

This video shows the bins with the goodies. Once the choice has been made by Joegy, the chosen bin will be shipped out, and the left over bin will be send to 4737Joker. We will contact you asking for your postal address and we will explain the second part of the competition - the reaction!


I'll decide tonight!

Absolutely bricking it!
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