How to keep cool when gaming ?

Answer is simple: to have own igloo !

Video has been edited, but still before deadline :)
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Lol i need to know now!

lol... It would be nice.

As much as i love your idea mate. i dont think you grasped the idea of the competition.

How To Enter?
You need to send us images or video of how you keep cool when you’re gaming. The more original and inventive the better but for my own sanity let’s keep it respectable (this does not apply to females…jokes). Entries must be posted into this thread, one entry per forum member.

Surely, wearing a cardboard box while you are gaming will make you hotter:confused:
lol... It would be nice.

As much as i love your idea mate. i dont think you grasped the idea of the competition.

How To Enter?
You need to send us images or video of how you keep cool when you’re gaming. The more original and inventive the better but for my own sanity let’s keep it respectable (this does not apply to females…jokes). Entries must be posted into this thread, one entry per forum member.

Surely, wearing a cardboard box while you are gaming will make you hotter:confused:

its not a cardboard box its a fully working human sized titanesque heatsink....... isnt it?????? :D
lol... It would be nice.

As much as i love your idea mate. i dont think you grasped the idea of the competition.

Surely, wearing a cardboard box while you are gaming will make you hotter:confused:

To be honest, he was the only person to change the context a little bit.. I for one thought it was awesome.. Whether its appropiate or not is upto the judge but i think he got it. :)
To be honest theres several aspects working with mine.
Man sized joke cooling/ brand and product imitation/ some imagination and fun with the competition

In my eyes snaggsters is guaranteed to be 1 of the 2 picked its a interesting idea away from the udual fan stuff. Im just a bit disappointed at your attitude and defensiveness though im afraid.
Surely the idea of the competition was to be creative and innovative. If all people entered was what they actually did to keep cool, there would just be loads of pictures of people taking their jumpers off and opening windows.

The man-sized GPU is a great entry in this respect. I wish I'd thought of it!

So this is how I keep cool.

Since Overclockers put a twist on this competition, I thought I'd put a twist on my entry :D
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