Sunset in San Diego

19 Oct 2003
Right here, right now!
OK, a few pics from my honeymoon in the US

comments most welcome


Picture 575.jpg


Picture 580.jpg


Picture 584.jpg


Picture 585.jpg
looks great. Which beach is that?

...btw you should check out the Hawaiian sunsets some time.....truly spectacular.
gurusan said:
looks great. Which beach is that?

...btw you should check out the Hawaiian sunsets some time.....truly spectacular.

thanks... was Mission Beach

Hawaiian sunsets will have to wait for a while! :(
Very nice indeed mate. Id love the chance to take shots like that.

You might want to straighten some of them though, 7, 8 and 9 need a bit of a tweak. If you have PSP X there is a straighten tool in that which will do the job. Not sure about CS2, havn't found it in there yet.
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woodsy2k said:
Very nice indeed mate. Id love the chance to take shots like that.

You might want to straighten some of them though, 7, 8 and 9 need a bit of a tweak. If you have PSP X there is a straighten tool in that which will do the job. Not sure about CS2, havn't found it in there yet.

thanks... there, have straightened them now... better?
The problem with sunset shots is that they're easy to take. Point the camera at the sun and the camera will meter for the giant bright blob in the centre producing nice dark orange skies. Then people will go "wow great shots." For me, these feel more like holiday snap shots. The horizons aren't level, theres nothing to really focus on and some are over-exposed and lacking contrast. I'm not trying to sound mean or anything but by your own admission they're your honeymoon shots and they do feel more like family photobook memories than really great shots as some others are calling them. For more information on what I mean, read this thread about "Great shots."
Thanks for the comments cyKey. I do like an honest opinion. that's why I post here. :D

I did miss that "great shot's" thread and have just read it with interest.
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