Суп ХАРЧО / Kharcho Soup

28 May 2008
Crewe aka Crewhan
Do we have any Georgian / Russian members, or anybody who has made Beef Kharcho soup before?

I'm wondering how good the pre-made Khmeli-Suneli mix is you can buy, or should I make one myself? Would you use marigold flowers and would you sub out tamarind for lemon juice?

Spasiba / Спасибо :)
Sort of unrelated sorry OP, but have you seen the 'Bald and Bankrupt' channel on YouTube?

He's a budget traveller (English but seems to speak good Russian) with a very relaxed and entertaining style, and much of his travelling is around the former-Soviet states, including recently Georgia. He comments on / reviews cheap local food a lot too, so might be of incidental interest!


Yes mate followed Bald and Harald for quite some time, that's where I got the Kharcho idea from as they were served it in the bus station :D
Thanks for the tips Neoboy.

I did think about using pearl barley rather than rice, and have nearly all of the ingredients to make the spice rub from scratch its just the quantities.
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