Super Straight - a new sexuality???

29 Jan 2008
Apparently this was started on TikTok by some 16 year old kid:

Kinda logical but badly stated - he's shouldn't have conflated gender or said "real woman" as that could be taken to be transphobic, but he's essentially saying that IF "straight" (as a sexuality) includes attraction to both (in the case of men) biological women and trans-women then as he's just attracted to biological women then he's defining a new sexuality of "super straight".

Perhaps better illustrated by this diagram from the relevant, newly created Reddit sub-reddit/forum thingie:


Fair enough right - there are loads of genders and sexualities created all the time, we're taught that all genders and sexualities are valid etc.. and to be kind etc... so this newly created sexuality should be welcome.....

... or perhaps not - check out the #superstraight hasthag on twitter - TRA and woke types are going nuts over it - for example see the ratio on this tweet:

Amusingly though the gender-critical LGB community seems to have fully embraced it, as quickly as "SuperStraight" has been created so have "SuperLesbian", "SuperGay" and "SuperBi"...

The subreddit thing is just pure parody right now - talk of people "transplaining" the super community, or complaints about "trancels" who won't accept no for an cancer from supers... and of course "SERFs" who seek to exclude the super community from LGBTQ...

But on a more serious note, Lesbians have been dealing with this stuff from trans women wanting them to take suck some "girly" **** etc.. for years or claiming that if they can take a strap on they can take a real girl's **** etc... now the issue is getting a load more attention and for most people, it isn't really "gender identity" they're attracted to, but if the insistence is that "straight" means an attraction to "women" based on gender identity then making a new sexuality of "super straight" seem logically sound in response. It seems to me that the notion that this concept itself is "transphobic" because it excludes trans people is like saying that gay men are "misogynistic" because they exclude women.

What say you GD - if you're a straight man do you include (male) trans-women in the subset of people you're attracted to? If you're a gay man do you include (female) trans-men?
Who cares? You’re attracted to who you’re attracted to. It’s the bigots that think there is something wrong with that that we should be challenging.

this seems like a simple case of trying to sow division even more.

gay, straight, bi, whatever. Just get on with life, don’t discriminate because of who someone is attracted to and accept that anyone can display affection for anyone else. If you are triggered by someone being attracted to someone else then it’s your problem not anyone else’s.
People don’t accept it though.

I was denounced as racist in a pub once when I said that I was only really attracted to white women.
Who cares? You’re attracted to who you’re attracted to. It’s the bigots that think there is something wrong with that that we should be challenging.

this seems like a simple case of trying to sow division even more.

The division is already there tbh... from a straight perspective people perhaps don't care so much I guess, it's less likely to affect straight guys - lesbians on the other hand who maybe want dating apps or club nights where they can meet other (female) lesbians or feminist women who want spaces for females find themselves regularly faced with males identifying as women so for them it is a much bigger issue - thus they're quite vocal about it on social media:

I shouldn't have to change my "sexuality label" because someone else wants to change the definition of it. If you want a sexuality that defines you as interested in trans women then go ahead and make one. You aren't making me change mine.
Seems a natural evolution to allow people to live their truth.

People like alechz can date m, f, mtf, ftm and anything inbetween; as they please.

While others can use these new terms to declare who they wish to date without being labelled as an ist or phobe - or worse forced into rapey situations with people who they are not attracted to.
Why put labels on things at all?

Put your winkle in whatever (legal) thing you want and let other people put their winkle in whatever (legal) thing they want.

These labels appeal to our ancestral “tribe” mentality and the sooner we can move past that the sooner the world world be a better place.

@Ahleckz comment should be the end of discussion really.
Where's the natural evolution that allows biologists and scientists and other logical thinkers to live their truths without being castigated by people with too much time on their hands?

No idea - but if certain groups continue to appropriate and redefine language - making up new words seems like a natural response.
It all confuses me, but each to their own - It’s nothing to do with me who people love and have relations with.
Anyone is free to fancy whoever they like - does appear to be an absolute minefield online though with various groups going bonkers at each other for their own personal choices in taste / preference.

Makes me question why people feel the need to post about this stuff in the first place. Surely putting anything remotely controversial online under your own name is just begging to potentially hurt your career prospects either now or in the future.
Anyone is free to fancy whoever they like - does appear to be an absolute minefield online though with various groups going bonkers at each other for their own personal choices in taste / preference.

Makes me question why people feel the need to post about this stuff in the first place. Surely putting anything remotely controversial online under your own name is just begging to potentially hurt your career prospects either now or in the future.
Are you saying Bongo Hunter isn't your real name? :eek::eek::eek:
I guess its only like people coming out as Pan instead of Bi because they want to be politically correct and say they will date transgender people too.
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