Super Straight - a new sexuality???

Maybe soon labels will die.
If someone's hot they're hot!

We will probably move beyond labels soon
Lol the nutters keep trying to twist (and invent new) meanings to suit their ideals. A straight person with a trans person is in no way straight.

What we have really is a bunch of gay people dressing up as the opposite sex, then demanding straight people have sex with them. Or men posing as lesbians with a "woman's penis". Then they cry "bigot" when they get rejected.
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You've never look at a trans person without knowing they were trans and thought "Damn!"?
naked they don't look like women though even if some have really pretty faces that pass as female

Wait, so if I point out someone and say “that’s not a real woman” then that makes me transphobic?

What a joke. An absolute joke. Someone stop the planet because I want to get off.
if you take some hot looking woman home only to find she has male anatomy then you're probably transphobic if you don't go through with the act once you find out :p

that dood from the europe band probably has a more female looking face than most women :D

if he was trans and you were drunk you'd probably think damn shes hot :p

in reality very few men can pass as female and were supposed to pretend we can't tell :confused:

Doesn't mean we should be nasty or make fun of them though obviously, but I'm not about to pretend to protect someones feelings
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I saw one the other week. Looked like a women from behind, skinny and shaven legs showing etc. Then they turned around and it was clearly a man. I tried hard not to lol
Do we get capes? As a super I feel we should get capes. The again, the Incredibles was pretty good at explaining the dangers of capes.
This is flawed, you either believe the fantasy that a man pretending to be a women is actually a woman or vice versa or you don't, if you are attracted to women but not to men pretending to be women then you do not accept their fantasy
This is a horrible anti-trans piece of work.

There is a deeply unpleasant number of groups on social media that frame themselves as being pro LGB. However, the obsession that they have with trans issues is worrying. A lot of them seem to be perpetuated by those that are comfortable in life and who seem obsessed with the issue and frame it as 'won't someone think of X' (where X is anything other than treating trans people with respect). A lot of arguments are simply re-hashed from the criticisms that gay men and woman faced in the past.

I'd rather we live in a society where we treat everyone with respect. Live the life the way you want, but intentionally going out there to make someone's life more more difficult is horrible and not the behaviour we should accept in a civilised society.
That's right, live life the way you want by demanding that people cater to your ever changing standards/gender/title/whatever.
I know! Screw improving standards. Love my leaded petrol and asbestos. :o:D
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