Super Straight - a new sexuality???

It has been interesting watching this blow up on social media. Despite it all just starting as a bit of trolling it has now spiralled and described in the news as being linked to Naziism. The hypocrisy from some of the Trans community has been disappointing too . Actually wishing people dead over the matter!

Humans :D

I think that relates to some screenshots from 4chan or similar doing the rounds on twitter. You can never really know if that is people being edgy, some actual nazi or indeed some trans/SJW activist posting stuff just to screen shot it and say "omg literal nazis" etc..

The actual idea itself though is from some 16 year old kid on TikTok and it seems pretty sound both as satire or as a genuine response if we accept at face value that a "straight" male must be into trans women too.

The hypocrisy is just fantastic - same thing with the "it's OK to be white" thing in response to woke people being very anti "whiteness" etc.. - that provoked rage and highlighted the obvious bigotry among woke people, this is doing just the same... trans people and trans rights activists can't engage in argument, they just rant (as we've seen a minor example of in this thread with our own slightly unhinged TRA person) - the ones on Twitter seem to go absolutely nuts.
What about some desperate blokes who could choose to use this label for their own ends and all they need to do is a bit of cross dressing ?

Thing is, cross-dressing counts as "trans" these days according to the relevant vocal organisations and various work types/TRAs etc.. so yes, anyone who only occasionally adopts an alter ego and cross-dresses + demands to be referred to as a woman when they do so falls under the broad "trans" umbrella, even though for them it could be more of a kink/roleplay type situation rather than dealing with gender dysphoria.... And yup, they'll need to be accommodated in changing rooms etc..when they feel like playing with their female side.

See this banker for example - he's a crossdresser but that counts as trans - he even won a place on a top 100 women thingie...


^^^ you'd be a "transphobe" if you're a straight bloke and you turn him down for a date on say Wednesday or Friday... but it's cool to do so when he's got his suit on.
"gender fluid" senior director at Credit Suisse has been awarded a place on a list of the Top 100 Women in Business.

Philip Bunce, who is known to sometimes go to work in a wig and women's clothing, was named on the Financial Times & HERoes Champions of Women in Business list, an annual ranking of 100 "company leaders who support women in business."

Known as Pips Bunce, the director who is Credit Suisse's Head of Global Markets, Core Engineering Integration Components, came 32nd on the FT's list of 100 female business champions.

After receiving the award he said in a statement: "I am truly honoured and humbled by this award and am proud of the progress we are making towards all forms of gender diversity & equality."

Funny how simply adopting a fashionable identity + a bit of publicity about it suddenty leads to an award and celebration by the corporate Twitter account. I wonder if it's been a career boost and/or if he's less vulnerable to redundancy now given large companies are very focused on "diversity" and anyone who can (visibly) tick those boxes.

Some actual women aren't so happy about it:
Kiri Tunks, co-founder of Woman’s Place UK, said: “This makes a mockery of women and their achievements and begs the question does Bunce simultaneously feature in top 100 male executives and if not, what were his particular achievements as a woman to merit inclusion in the female list?

I think we all know the answer to that question tbh...
Maybe he should have a child. He'd be Teflon, going on maternity and all.


No you wouldn’t, you are just painfully desperate to try and make out you are a victim, which is pathetic.
[...]They are a tiny minority within a tiny minority, and have zero power. Why are you so afraid of them?!

Seems like a lot of projection and some dubious logic here - if you don't think that TRA groups are influential right now then you're being rather naive.
Ok, so you would gender them with their chosen gebder, even though sex wise, it doesn’t match their gender they have chosen to identify as. Congratulations, you’ve achieved the basic level of decorum and politeness it takes to respect trans people. That’s all anyone is asking really.

This super straight stuff has only come around because of people blowing up that request, and conflating it with the likes of the deplorable trans community like Jessica Yaniv acting in bad faith as if they are anyone but an outlier, demanding you be attracted to them as a “woman”.

this is just objectively untrue - if it were true then trans women participating in sport wouldn't be the big issue it is currently, especially in the US with executive orders at a federal level, individual states passing legislation etc..

Ditto to dating apps wanting to cater to, for example, lesbians - they have issues with trans women wanting access.

Pretty much any area where females wish to meet among themselves will have trans women either demanding access or trying to shut it down - whether it is an app or a rape counseling session or helpline or a shelter etc..

If grouping by gender identity is valid then why not also by sex - sex-based rights are important to some people and grouping with people of the same sex is something some people wish to do in various circumstances.

A biological woman attending, for example, a rape support group might not feel very comfortable around males in general. That some man present has chosen to identify as a woman shouldn't negate that such a group may choose to be organised on the basis of sex rather than chosen gender identity.

Simplistic slogans like "trans women are women" are taken as absolute by some activists and the notion of biological sex being important still is completely dismissed or waved away with some dubious "sex is on a spectrum too, look intrasex people exist" type argument. This results in ridiculous stances like the image posted previously re: sucking a "woman's penis" being straight etc... The super straight idea satirises this stuff perfectly and was instantly recognised by groups campaigning for sex-based rights - in particular, including LGB people, some of whom quite readily added in super lesbian, super gay etc... That in itself isn't transphobic, it's a completely legitimate response to the absolutist position that "trans women are women" and therefore the exact same rules that are applied to biological women must be applied to trans women without exception.
I personally have no issues with grouping things by sex, rather than by gender. I have been a massive counter advocate both online and in person about allowing trans women to compete in women's mma for instance, based on the biological advantage of having a shed load of Test inside them during their developing years.

No where have I seen anything of note cave to this, beyond very specific out lining exaggerated cases, like for example low level high school sports. I have seen the abuse and mocking of online dating profile screen shots, again, not seeing the issue, lesbians can very decline to match with, just like any of us can on any dating app.

These are tiny issues caused by a tiny minority of trans people in comparison to the abuse trans people in general are getting over them.

If these are supposedly tiny issue then why the controversy when people want to do something about it? Why can't apps developers just allow females to use the app? Why are shelters or other facilities having issues if they want to cater to biological women? It's supposedly a tiny issue yet you'll find that women who speak up about this stuff face a ridiculous amount of abuse and physical attacks even.

Just have a look at what JK Rowling has faced on twitter for taking some positions that shouldn't be particularly controversial - she's hardly some Katie Hopkins, Daily Mail columnist type.

Perhaps Lesbians want an app for Lesbians and don't want a bunch of cross-dressing males involved- why is that so hard to understand?

Perhaps female athletes don't want to compete with males who are in their category simply because they have a mental health issue re: gender. It might be mostly lower leagues at the moment but why be dismissive of that - for every one of these males on a team they're depriving female of that place - this can have a knock-on effect re: say state championships in the US (only a small window of opportunity for athletes) or indeed on athletic scholarships for university.

This is a 52-year-old who got onto a college basketball team because she told the coach how tall she was and that she sued to play years ago as a male. She wasn't a student at the college and has had to enrol in some minimal amount of courses/credits in order to be eligible for the team. The notion that someone in their 50s is competitive enough to play in college sport in the US is farcical under normal circumstances - but being male, over 6ft and playing basketball against women gives rather obvious advantages.


You say you object to this stuff but you're also quite dismissive of it being an issue. I'd hope that things like Covid would get people out of the mindset that because something isn't an issue right now doesn't mean it won't be a growing issue in future - the more this is allowed and normalised then... well it's pretty easy to see. If people are quite happy to declare themselves non-binary etc.. in far greater numbers then it becomes more important to not disregard sex - the areas where sex is important then become more of an issue. Historically "trans" people have been a small %, generally people with gender dysphoria, these days the people falling under "trans" is growing and isn't just people with gender dysphoria but plenty of people choosing new labels, ti's semi-political even. If we end up with a double-digit % of people identifying as trans then you end up with a bigger issue in the areas where sex is more important than gender identity.
Totally agree when it comes to sports. That’s an entirely different topic though. It shouldn’t be used as fuel to promote what is essentially a 4chan/alt right troll to get people to promote the SS without realising it by conflating a very minor issue (some very mentally ill trans people insisting you be attracted to them) vs actual serious trans discussion.

It's not really doing that though - the few times I've seen that on twitter it's trans activists trying to make that claim rather than anyone actually doing that and, tellingly, all the images are posts on 4chan rather than tweets or reddit posts. Those cherry-picked posts might be actual nazis, might be people being edgy or might be woke types creating things to amplify and criticise. Either way if you look at either the Reddit group of the hashtags on twitter this notion that this is some idea to promote the SS is utterly flawed.
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