Super Straight - a new sexuality???

McKinnon won her qualifying race in 11.649 seconds - a record in the female 35-39 sprint category - with American Dawn Orwick second in 12.063.

Or the powerlifters who are smashing all the previous womens world records.

"Making **** up" :o

What are you talking about? My comment about making **** up was with regard to the OP's video and "Super Straight" being a load of nonsense.

As for my "LMAO here we go", it's GD and here people will argue over the dumbest **** just like your reply mate.

Talk about taking my earlier comments completely out of context.
Honestly people, it's really simples.

Your Mum is straight, because she used her woman's penis to impregnate your Dad, and she was only ever attracted to men with a functioning womb. Your Dad, however, had previously slept with other men back when he used his slave name of Janet. So he's SuperParallelStraight. One straight line for Janet, another straight line for Tim.
Really?????? take me back to the 90's please, society has become deranged. Good lord what a load of nonsense. See kids, the internet isn't a good place!
Can be:

Careful you might disproportionately affect funding for helicopter bases.
There’s so much to unpack with this...I don’t even know where to begin, however saying people are transphobic for not wanting to get with a woman with a penis is mad. Labelling people as a bigot over this is also pretty funny to me.

Just seems like some trolls decided to throw this all back in the face of people who advocate for such things and they really do not like it.

I have also seen the fallout for lesbians who refuse to date trans women and it’s pretty vile. I don’t think anyone would stop someone living how they feel they want to live but you have to accept that living that way will limit your dating choices, forcing others into any situation is simply wrong.
Lol all these genders and pronouns are annoying to say the least.

People can do what they want, but it’s pathetic when people have been labelled transphobic because they don’t want somebody who was transitioning/transitioned from another gender.

I have no interest in dating someone who was previously a bloke.

Me not wanting to does not mean someone else doesn’t and I’m sure they’ll make you happier than i ever could.
Well if there's a international day for each gender then we only have 365 days. Two have been taken already. You could make it -182 as male, +182 as female and 0 as no gender. Now singular vs poly (them) would have to be a separate axis?

In the end a label is just that - a way of discriminating either positively or negatively from either observer or subject perspectives.

Perhaps people just want to be called by their name and they see gender being irrelevant?
What if I'm only attracted to members of the opposite sex, who are not trans, but only if they are really, really attractive. Not the less attractive people. Am I Super Super Straight??
I find it very amusing reading the comments on that twitter post. It's full of LGBTQ+ people saying they don't accept this guy's preference/identity.

Similar effect as the "It's OK to be white" thing... that had people raging - but if you're objecting to a simple statement that being white is OK or that being attracted to a member of the opposite sex rather than a broader attraction to gender then it highlights some of these takes as being farcical.
It's because this isn't solely about people being able to go about doing what they want and feel is right for them; it's about systems of power.
I find it very amusing reading the comments on that twitter post. It's full of LGBTQ+ people saying they don't accept this guy's preference/identity.

My identity trumps your identity! What a ridulous mess gender politics is creating.

Edit - oh god I looked at some of the replies.

Hating straight people is ok because they're never been discriminated against.

Your bad and obsessed with genitals if you won't consider a relationship with a trans person. (I just don't want a spam javelin attached to the woman in my life!)
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